Importance of people under the Marian settlement

  • Created by: HarryS02
  • Created on: 23-05-20 12:11


1554 - began to deprive priests of their livings, diocese of Norwich 243 priests lost their posts, 10-25% of the clergy lost their positions

- Gardiner deprived Bishop's of Gloucester, Hertford, Lincoln and Rochester

- Gardiner deprived the Archbishop of York and his sees, all were 


- November 1555, Gardiner died

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Cardinal Pole

- Returned to England after Mary removed his sentence of excommunication

- Became one of Mary's key advisors

- Ordered regular visitations to check on clerical behaviour

- Ordered new publications like the new book of homilies and Catholic new testament

- Wanted to train new priests as chancellor of Oxford university, reccomended priesthoods

- December 1556, was named Archbishop of Canterbury

- 1556, stressed importance of responsibilities of priests, opposed pluralism and nepotism

- Argued with Pope Paul IV, deprived of position as legate

- 1557, Pole called to Romne to answer to heresy charges BUT Mary refused to him to and rejected his replacement as legate

- November 1558, Cardinal Pole died

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How successful was the Marian settlement?

- Pole did not give religious reform his full recognition due to his aim to bring peace between the Hapsburg's and the French

- Pole had a scheme to overhaul church finance, this required two huge surveys which took 18 months to collude, proved cumbersome

- New Pope, paul IV was hugely anti-Hapsburg and in dispute with Philip

- Marian government failed to realise the potential of literacy and printing: publications missed supported Mary's policies 2:1

- Propaganda opportunities were not always siezed: nothing was made of the debated between leading protestants and Catholics

- Catholic leaders believed taht heresy was a minor problem and that a few burnings would eradicate heretics

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