Bourdieu (1986)

Identified 3 different types of capital that an individual can posses: economic capital, social capital and cultural capital. Economic capital includes income which has been achieved through hard work, wealth and inheritance, which has been ascribed through ancestors.

Social capital incluces resources based on social connections and group membership, the upper class have a lot of social capital, for example they gain social connections through private educations and networks such as the 'old boys network'. Also, traditionlly the working class have social capital due to their close knit communities, and they exchange trade.

Cultural capital includes cultural attibutes such as education, arts and literature. Upper classes are socialised into valuing attributes such as these through the family and private education, moreover these attributes can be passed down through generations.


Bourdieu (1986)

Identified 3 different types of capital that an individual can posses: economic capital, social capital and cultural capital. Economic capital includes income which has been achieved through hard work, wealth and inheritance, which has been ascribed through ancestors.

Social capital incluces resources based on social connections and group membership, the upper class have a lot of social capital, for example they gain social connections through private educations and networks such as the 'old boys network'. Also, traditionlly the working class have social capital due to their close knit communities, and they exchange trade.

Cultural capital includes cultural attibutes such as education, arts and literature. Upper classes are socialised into valuing attributes such as these through the family and private education, moreover these attributes can be passed down through generations.

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