Biology Topic 2


Blood flow in the heart

The body - the vena cava - the right atrium - the right ventricle - the tricuspid valve - semi-lunar/pulmonary valve - pulmonary artery - the lungs - the pulmonary veins - bicuspid valve - the left ventricle - semi-lunar/aortic valve - the aorta - the body

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Respiration and Photosynthesis Equation

Word equations

Respiration-   Carbon Dioxide + Water = Oxygen + Glucose 

Photosynthesis- Oxygen + Glucose = Carbon Dioxide + Water

Balanced symbol equations

Respiration- C02 + H20 = O2 + C6H12O6  

Photosynthesis- O2 + C6H12O6 = CO2H2

(Highlighted numbers are small numbers after the chemical symbol)

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  • Veins carry the deoxygenated blood into the heart - Vein enters through the vena cava 
  • Larger veins have valves to ensure the blood flows in one direction
  • Although most veins carry deoxygenated blood the pulmonary vein and the umbilical vein carry blood that is high in oxygen 
  • The blood in veins is dark red but can appear to be blue because of the scattering of light through the skin. 

Image result for vein

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  • Deliver oxygenated blood to the body from the heart
  • Are a muscular tube with smooth tissue and has got three layers
  • Carry blood away from the heart - Arteries=away  
  • The only arteries that do not carry oxygenated blood are the pulmonary artery and the umbilical artery (in a fetus)
  • Blood in the arteries is under high pressure

Image result for artery

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  • It is a very small blood vessel that has a cell wall that is one cell thick
  • Their function is to allow food and oxygen to diffuse to the cells while the waste is diffused from the cells  
  • They are the smallest blood vessels in the body 
  • They take oxygen from the arteries and take it to the tissues and they then take the waste products, such as deoxygenated blood, to the veins. 

Image result for capillary

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