

The Nucleus


  • The nucleus is the largest organelle, when this is stained, it shows darkerned patches known as chromatin.
  • It is surronded by a nuclear envelope. This is a structure made up of two membranes with fluid between them.
  • A lot of holes, called nuclear pores, go right through the envelope. The holes are already large enough for relatively large molecules to pass through.
  • This is a dense, spherical structure, called the nucleolus, inside the nucleus.
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The Nucleus


  • The nucleus houses nearly all the cells genetic material.
  • The chromotonin consists of DNA and proteins
  • It has instructions for making protein, some of these proteins regulate the cells activitiy.
  • When the cell divides, chromotonin condenses into visible chromosomes. 
  • The nucleolus makes the RNA and ribosomes.
  • Theses pass into the cytoplasm and proteins assembled at them.
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Endoplasmic reticulum ( ER)


  • ER consists of a senses of flattened, membrane bound sacs called cisternae
  • They are continuous with the outer nuclear membrane
  • Rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes
  • Smooth endoplasmic do not have ribosomes
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Endoplasmic reticulum ( ER)


  • Rough ER transports proteins that were made on the attached ribosomes
  • Some of the seperate proteins may have been secreted from the cell.
  • Some will be placed on the surface membrane
  • Smooth ER is involved in making the lipids that the cell needs
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Golgi Apparatus


A stack of membrane bound, flattened sacs.             (looks like a bread pile.)

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Golgi Apparatus


  • Golgi apparatus recieves proteins from the ER and modifies them.
  • It may add sugar molecules to them. The golgi apparatus then packages the modified proteins into vesicles that can be transported.
  • Some modified proteins may go to the surface of the cell so they may be secreted.
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  • These may be spherical or sausage shaped.
  • They have two membranes seperated by a fluid filled space.
  • The inner membrane is highly folded to form cristae
  • The central part of the mitochondrion is called the matrix
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  • Mitochondria produce most of the adneosine trophosphate ( ATP) during respiration.
  • ATP is sometimes called the universal energy carrier because almost all activities that need energy in the cell are driven by the enerhy released from ATP.
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  • These are found only in plant cells and the cells of some protoctists.
  • Chloroplasts also have two membranes seperated by a fluid- filled space.
  • The inner membrane is continuos, with an elobarate network of flattened membrane sacs called thylakoids.
  • These look like piles of plates. A stack of thylakoids is called a granum or the plural grana.
  • Chlorophyll molecules are present pn the thylakoid membranes and in intergranal membranes.
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  • Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis in plant cells. Light energy is used to drive the reactions of photosynthesis, in which carbohydrate molecules are made from carbon dioxide and water.
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  • These are spherical sacs surronded by a single membrane
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  • Lysosomes contain powerful digestive enzymes.
  • Their role is to break down materials. For example, white blood cell lysosomes help break down invading microorganisms; the specialised lysosome ( acrnosome ) in the head of a sperm cell helps it penetrate the egg by breaking down the material surronding the egg
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  • These are tiny organelles. Some are free in the cytoplasm and some are bound to ER.
  • Each ribosome consists of two subunits
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  • Ribsomes are the site of protein sythesis in the cell ( where new proteins are made )
  • They act as an assembly line where coded information (mRNA ) from the nucleus is used to assemble proteins from amino acids.
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  • These are small tubes of proteins fibres ( microtubels)
  • There is a pair of them next to the nucleus in animal cells and in the cells of some protocists.
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  • Centrioles take part in cell division.
  • They form fibres, known as the spindle, which move chromosomes during nuclear division.
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