unit 1 biology - cells and microscopes

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  • microscopes
    • unit 1 biology - cells and microscopes
      • cells
        • eukaryotic
          • plant
            • structure (except centrioles) is the same as animal
              • chloroplasts: for photo synthesis
              • vacuole: stores water and other substances
              • cell wall: for support and protection
          • structure
            • plasma membrane: protects cell from surroundings and regulates movement of substances in and out of cell
            • nucleus: surrounded by a double membrane (envelope) which has pores in
              • nucleolus: region of dense dna and protein. it makes ribosomes
            • centrioles: makes the spindle in cell division
            • lysosome: contains digestive enzymes. destroys old organelles and pathogens
            • 80s ribosomes: site of protein synthesis
            • cytoplasm: fluid that fills a cell. has many molecules dissolved in solution. site of metabolic processes
            • golgi apparatus: modifies proteins and packages them in vesicles for transport
              • vesicle: small membrane bound sac which transports and stores substances in the cell
            • mitochondrion site of respiration. contains 70s ribosomes and dna. central jelly called the matrix
            • endoplasmic renticulm
              • rough: has ribosomes on the surface. proteins are made here
              • smooth: lipids made here
        • prokaryotes - a single cell with no membrane bound organelles
          • gram negative
            • don't retain the crystal violet stain because the cell wall has an outer layer
            • more resistant to antibiotics because they have an outer wall after the cell wall which protects them
          • structure
            • plasmids: double stranded dna in a circle. contains genes such as antibiotic resistance and other things vital for survivial
            • 70s ribosome: makes proteins
            • nucleoid: a length of dna which is folded
            • cell wall: made of a sugar and amino acid called peptidoglycan
            • capsule: layer outside of the cell wall which protects from drying out and being engulfed
      • specialised cells
        • plant
          • in the leaves, the upper epidermis, lower epidermis and palisade mesophyll cells are specialised
          • palisade cells are cylindrical so they can pack tightly. they contain chloroplasts to capture as much energy from light as possible
          • root hair cells are a fine protrusion from the cell. this provides a large surface area to volume ratio to absorb water and minerals
        • animal
          • sperm cells have a mid region full of mitochondria to provide energy for movement. the heas (acrosome) contains enzymes to digest the egg
          • red blood cells are bioconcave discs with no nucleus. this allows them to carry more oxygen as there is a larger surface area to volume ratio
          • white blood cells can squeeze through capilaries and are found in tissues as well as blood to ensure they can easily travel around
          • egg cells have a jelly layer called the zona  pellucida which stops more than one sperm entering
    • the specimen must be thin so light or electron beams can pass through
    • electron has a far greater magnification than light. but you can only examine dead material
    • total magnification = eyepiece lens x objective lens
    • magnification = length of the image divided by the actual length


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