Behaviourist perspective A.B.S

  • Created by: romy kale
  • Created on: 16-05-13 14:52

How Behaviorist perspective explains Helping behav

A: The behaviourist perspective assumes our behaviour is learned from and shaped by the envrironment

B:  It would argue that helping others is a behaviour learned through reinforcement so that everytime we help others we feel good about ourselves and get praised by others. when we dont help, we feel guilty or fear dissaproval from others. Therefore, behaviourists would argue that helping behaviour is shaped by our experieces of rewards that follow everytime we help someone. 

S: Piliavin et al. studied helping behaviour in a subway emergency situation and found that the 'cane victim' recieved spontaneous help 95% of the time possibly because they would have felt good doing so and in few instances when help wasnt recieved, ppts commented that they didn't feel strong enough in order to avoid feeling guilty or being disapproved of by others

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how behaviorist perspective explains conformity

A: The behaviourist perspective assumes that all behavoiour is learned from and shaped by the environment, including other people and our experiences. 

B: Behaviourist perspective would suggest that we learn how to conform through reinforcement. Social identity theory proposes that we conform to norms and rules of the group that we belong to in order to maximise the social status and success of the whole group because this is closely liked to our own self esteem.

S: Reicher and Haslam studied conformity to the roles of prisoners and guards and found that prisioners conformed to their social role after 3 days of the expereiment and formed group identity which increased their levels of self-efficacy and decreased their levels of depression. Whearas the opposite was true for the guards.

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how the behaviorist perspective explains obedience

A: The behaviourist perspective assumes that all our behaviour is learned from and shaped by the environment, including other people and our experiences. 

B: Obedience can be learned by using positive reinforcement (chocolates) for obedience and negative reinforcement (grounding someone) when people are disobedient. We are more likely to continue being obedient as the positive reinforcement makes us feel good. Therefore behaviourists would argue that obedience is learned from the environment. 

S: Milgrams study found 65% of ppts obeyed an authority figure and gave electric shocks up to 450v to the learner Mr Wallace because participating in research would make them feel important and because they dont want to be dissaproved of by the researcher

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