
  • Created by: romy kale
  • Created on: 16-05-13 14:19
Social Approach assumes...
that all behaviour occurs in a social context. Other people and society are a major influence on peoples behavior, thought processes and emotions
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Individual differences assumes...
Individuals differ in their behaviour and personal qualities so not everyone can be considered the average person.
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Cognitive approach assumes...
that internal mental processes such as memory, thinking and reasoning greatly influence human behaviour
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physiological approach assumes...
our behaviour and experiences are influenced by our biology including genetics, structure and function of the nervous system. This can be analysed scientifically.
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Developmental approach assumes...
psychological changes occur throughout our lifespan. Not only because of their physical maturation but also because of life experiences. Rapid changes occur during our childhood and these should be studied in detail
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Behaviourist perspective assumes...
Majority of behaviours are learned from and shaped by our environment. A person is born a Blank slate and their environment determines their behaviour
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Psychodynamic perspective assumes...
All behaviour can be explained in terms of the inner conflics that occur in the unconcious mind
7 of 7

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Card 2


Individual differences assumes...


Individuals differ in their behaviour and personal qualities so not everyone can be considered the average person.

Card 3


Cognitive approach assumes...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


physiological approach assumes...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Developmental approach assumes...


Preview of the front of card 5
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