Author: John's Gospel


John the Apostle



Was a Palestinian Jew (so knew customs, language) (explains Jewish pattern & lanugage in Prologue)

Was present at intimate/exclusive events (e.g. last supper, Jesus' questioning)

Grew up in Galilee, so knew the area well.

Language is of a Jew.


Sometimes confusion over High Priest (18:13- Caiaphas, 18:19- Annas)

Sometime called Sea of Galilee, even though not named this until later (too old!)

Fishermen were not well educated enough to write

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John the Elder/John the Presbyter


Alive & well when the Gospel was written (90-110ADish)

John2 & John3 begin with "The Elder"

"...did himself publish a Gospel during his residence at Ephesus in Asia"


Not alive at the time of Jesus

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John Mark


Came from a priestly family (had access to ruling Jews)

Known to the disciples (eye-witness to Last Supper & arrest)

Alive at the time of Jesus (but not writing of Gospel)

Friend of St Paul

Wrote Mark's Gospel (original Gospel) (has knowledge/experience)


No evidence

Too old to be reliable/alive

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11:3- "The one you love" (could be 'Beloved Disciple')

Eye-witness (e.g. Raising of Lazarus)


Died approx. 30 years after Jesus did (died BEFORE Gospel was written!)

Smalley: 'Minimal evidence'

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Multiple Authors


Brown: No chronologic order/pattern & differing styles of Greek

Brown's 5-Stage Process: 1. Sources  2. Johannine pattern  3. 1st draft  4. 2nd draft  5. Final edit (not evangelist)

1:14 & 3:11: "We" (multiple witness/authors)

Explains timing of different candidates

Opposed to "The Jews" (suggests written during Exodus from Synagogue)

Passing on of stories was very common


******: Differing styles of Greek due to theological/Prologue-style of Gospel

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