Age Inequality Theories

  • Created by: nelliott
  • Created on: 14-12-20 10:54

Functionalism & Age Inequality: Talcott Parsons

  • Focuses on how inequality can be the 'victims fault'
  • The elderly and the young face inequality because they do not have the necessary skills that others have
  • Example: young people are paid less as they do not have the work experience, therefore they deserve less money due to having fewer skills and less experience
  • This view is spported by the New Right
  • The New Right claim inequality is a result of cultural causes
  • Example: blaming youth unemployment on a generation by calling them lazy and unskilled
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Functionalism: Disengagement Theory

  • Cummings and Henry (1961) use this theory to explain that age inequality starts with the idea that all people die
  • A person's abilities are likely to deteriorate as they age, so there is a mutual need (for society and the individual) for the individual to be relieved of some of their responsibilities and roles
  • These roles must be fulfilled for social stability to be maintained
  • A process of disengagement 
  • Example: having a retirement age, allows a managed disengagement, allowing others to take on roles the elderly can no longer fulfil 
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Functionalism: Disengagement Theory Evaluation

  • Not all elderly people deteriorate at the same age, or at all
  • These views are very optimistic and ignore the negative experience of ageing
  • Not all elderly people can take on a new role and stay happy and fulfilled
  • Not all youth will be successfully guided by the agents of socialisation
  • They may not leave deviant behaviour behind
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Marxism & Age Inequality: Reserve Army of Labour

Reserve Army of Labour

  • Secondary source of labour and can be the young and the elderly, as the groups can be used at boom times or for flexible labour 
  • There is a growing market of zero-hour contracts where employees are only given work when it is available, but have to be free to work regardless
  • This tends to be the unemployed youth or the elderly who need income after retirement, showing age inequality is a social construction which benefits the rich and powerful


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Marxism & Age Inequality: Evaluation


  • Focus on the need for capitalism
  • The youth provide new skills and cheap labour 
  • The elderly provide free childcare so parents can go out to work


  • Ignore that ageing does not always happen at the same rate for everyone
  • The studies take a macro approach, ignoring factors such as gender, nationality, disability and wealth 
  • With an ageing population there has been a growth of the ‘grey pound’, with elderly becoming consumers and therefore being an asset to the economy and the rich, rather than a burden
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Marxism & Age Inequality: Legitimation of Authorit

Legitimation of Authority

  • Neo-Marxist Gramsci (1971) states the rich (bourgeoisie) maintain authority
  • He states 'false consciousness' explains that people do not realise their exploitation through the money they receive such as child benefits and pensions
  • They create a form of dependency and the elderly and young do not question their exploitation but keep accepting things like zero hour contracts


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Marxism & Age Inequality: Political Economy Theory

Political Economy Theory

  • Phillipson (1982) believes capitalism needs to continually renew its workforce to make sure there is great profit by using young workers who are more productive
  • The elderly are made to retire so the needs of the economy are then met as younger employees take their place
  • The elderly then become dependent on society as they are denied access to work which lowers their status and causes inequality faced by elderly because of capitalism
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Feminism & Age Inequality

  • Arber and Gin (1991) said that factors such as age affect a woman’s status and power
  • They said that older women face inequalities that older men do not
  • Men’s status is down to employment, while a woman’s seems to be linked to her reproductive cycle
  • Women feel immense pressure to fight the signs of ageing, which is capitalised on by many cosmetic industries, while ageing men do not seem to feel the pressure
  • Women are seen to have to comply with certain physical standards, but no expectations are placed on men
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Feminism & Age Inequality: Evaluation

  • Feminists blame inequality on patriarchy, meaning they can miss the true causes, such as poverty
  • Not all women experience the same life chances as factors, such as wealth and social class, greatly impact on women
  • Males are also going through pressure to look young
  • Example: magazines such as FHM encouraging males to stay looking young and fight the ageing process
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Social Action Theories & Age Inequality: Weberian

  • Weber felt to understand the complex nature of inequality; you need to look at three parts of life: class, status and party
  • Weber looked at the importance of someone’s market position, which could explain the low status of both the elderly and young
  • If someone does not have the skills required in the marketplace, then they will suffer low status
  • Example: elderly not having technology skills
  • However, if someone is upper class and becomes elderly, this will explain why they will not suffer the same loss of status
  • Their financial resources mean that they will not suffer the same loss of status as they can continue to live a comfortable life regardless of their skills
  • Example: the Queen is elderly and female, yet the fact she hasn’t lost her status and power is related to her social position and wealth
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Social Action Theories & Age Inequality: Negativel

  • Parkin (1968) stated that ethnic minorities could be kept out of high-status privileged groups
  • This is due to social segregation, leaving them to suffer
  • The elderly are often socially segregated too
  • Example: in the media, employment, retirement and even in living arrangements (care homes). 
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Social Action Theories & Age Inequality: Activity

  • Some interactionists believe that staying mentally and physically active will increase happiness
  • If we maintain these social interactions, it reduces the negative experience of ageing
  • Havinghurst (1961) published this theory in critique of disengagement theory
  • He argued the inequality is more about social interaction than just age
  • Statham’s (2011) research on grandparents providing childcare may mean that social interaction continues 
  • This could potentially change the inequalities faced by some elderly who are isolated
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Social Action Theories & Age Inequality: Exchange

  • Turner (1989) argues age discrimination is actually best understood in terms of status
  • In Western societies, both the elderly and the young become stigmatised due to not having what it takes to gain high status
  • In a society based on consumption, high status is given to those who have material goods
  • If the elderly and young are least likely to have material goods, they will have low status
  • If they are dependant, they have low status
  • However, in some societies where power and age are linked, the elderly will have high status
  • This shows that status is relative to that society and age may be a factor that brings high or low status depending on the key values of a society
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Social Action Theories & Age Inequality: Interacti

  • All interactionists question the social construction of inequality
  • Negative labelling and stigmatisation of both the elderly and the young by the media and other agents of social control and socialisation could be said to create a self-fulfilling prophecy
  • If the elderly are labelled as useless, lonely and unable to learn, then perhaps those stereotypes become reality
  • Could it be that people think the elderly are useless, so replaced them with the youth, which actually then makes the elderly become useless?
  • Stan Cohen (1972) looked at moral panics
  • This is relevant here to explain age inequality in the media
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Social Action Theories & Age Inequality: Evaluatio

  • They still fail to recognise the structural causes of inequality such as patriarchy and capitalism
  • Activity theory is criticised for ignoring the institutional ageism 
  • This is at the basis of many laws and practices within society
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Postmodernists & Age Inequality

  • Some postmodernists look at disparity of experience of the elderly
  • Others say old age is a time of inequality
  • Discussions of inequality suffered by youth often blame the media for the creation of ‘youth culture’
  • They agree with Stan Cohen and his work on ‘folk devils’ (1972)
  • As postmodernists study from a micro approach, there is no one single explanation for inequality
  • There are just lots of micro studies
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Postmodernist Theories: Old Age as a Positive Time

  • A critique of social research on ageing is that it ignores many of the changes in society today
  • When we look at consumer culture it shows a different picture of older people being isolated from society
  • The ‘grey pound’ is very strong and advertisers focus on getting that money from older generations
  • Laczko and Phillipson (1991) researched early retirement and found that the inequality faced by some elderly people was due to lack of wealth, not ageing itself
  • This led to the idea that explanations of age inequality focus too much on imaginary boundaries of age
  • Many people who are wealthy enough to retire early show that it can be a positive experience
  • Blaikie (1999) states that the idea of ageing can be positive, with the idea of a fourth age filled with active but leisure-based pursuits
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Postmodernist Theories: The Mask of Old Age

  • J.B Priestly stated that for him, ageing was like someone had kidnapped him and made him old, yet behind his appearance he had the same thoughts as when he was younger
  • These ideas have been seem as similar to wearing a mask: one thing on the outside, another on the inside
  • This shows the inequalities faced by the elderly are more to do with labelling than ageing
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Postmodernist Theories: New Technology and the Fig

  • Not all people grow old gracefully
  • Some fight it with the use of technology and cosmetic surgery
  • Powell and Biggs (2000) wrote that this allows some to continually re-create themselves
  • While this may mean that age discrimination against the elderly is just based on the ‘mask’, it is impossible to tell
  • Those who can afford to re-create themselves may suffer less ageism due to other factors such as wealth
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Postmodernist Theories: Globalisation

  • Postmodernists recognise the importance of globalisation as a key cause of social change
  • As Britain becomes more multicultural, ageism changes
  • In some cultures, being old brings high status, which shows that age inequality rests largely on culture
  • Similarly, in the UK children have high status due to families being child-centred, but in other cultures this may not be the case
  • Some children are even expected to take on adult roles such as working or fighting in the army
  • This shows that inequality could be caused by the norms and values within society, such as retirement age
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Postmodernist Theories: Age is Complicated

  • Some believe age can result in inequality that is undeserved and based on labelling
  • Others believe that it is directly related to what someone has to offer to society
  • What is clear is the idea that similar age groups, all given the same high or low status, ignore differences related to ethnicity, social class and gender
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