African American Statistics.

  • Created by: victoria
  • Created on: 02-06-13 12:47


By 1890, 65% of black American in South were unable to write compared with 15% of white children.

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By 1910 25% of black farmers owned their land, and their standard of living was rising.

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In 1900 Almost 90% of AA still lived in the south, only 1% less than in 1870.

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Over 350,00 blacks served in WW1. Only 40,000 saw active service + 1,300 officers were commissioned.

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Growth of NAACP membership was rapid after 1915, by early 1920's over 90,000 members.

HOWEVER by 1930's declined to 50,000 as they developed a bureacratic and cautios outlook, many could not relate to them as they were middle class.

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1921- 100,000 members.

1924- Over 5 million.

By 1930 barely 30,000 remained- segregation and traditional way of life did not seem threatened.

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BY 1935- 30% Of black families on relief compared to 10% of whites. Illustrates the greater poverty of the African Americans however it does show fair application by the fed gov as they are being helped to advance.

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ROOSE BY 1935, 20 states and 30 cities had adopted Rooses fair employment regulations. HOWEVER there had still be discrimination.

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More blacks had registered 


1947- 12%

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Education 1949

Clarendon county $179 spent on a white child but 43% on black pupil to teacher ratio 20%. It was much better in white schools that in black schools.

By 157- less than 12% of schools in districts in south had been intergrated.

Little Rock- Eisenhowever had sent 10,000 troops.

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March on Washington

250,000 marched for jobs and freedom.

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By 1960's emplyment opportunities had been decreasing -> country as a whole about 1 in 10 had income of $5,000 a year but for blacks it had been 1 in 3.

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14,000 Troops required to restore order + 4,000 were arrested.

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1969 'Affirmative Action'. Increase in black workers in construction industry 1%-12%

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About a third of blacks in the US as whole were in traditional predominanty black colleges but in the South it was even higher- about 90%.

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Reagan's Welfare

1980- Black people 11.7% of population- high reciepents of aid to families with dependent children (43%) housing subsidies (34%) and food stamps (35%) - impacted the poor the most.

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By 1976- under 60% of eligible blacks registered to vote + fewer than 50% actually voted.

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100,000 black voters registered for voting with a campaign financed by black business men.

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Jackson's candidacy.

Blacks were now 12% of the American electorate + would tend to vote for African American.

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Jackson's candidacy.

Blacks were now 12% of the American electorate + would tend to vote for African American.

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By 1980- 40% of blacks acquired a middle class background but 30% declined into deeper poverty.

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Unemplyment remained high in 1992 - 14.2% and teenagers 50%

1990- 1 in 7 exceeded $50,000 a year.

1978- female headed families under $6,000.

23% of young African American's were in prison or on probation.

By 1992 76% graduated from high school, just 6% lower than whites.

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