African Americans & New Deal


African Americans & New Deal

AdvantagesGetting Started

  • Grants of $45 million to build schools, hospitals & homes
  • ERA benefitted between 1933-35, over 250,000 African Americans given literacy help through federal aid projects
  • Roosevelt inherently opposed to lynching
  • Elanor Roosevelt supported African American organisations and openly disapproved of segregation
  • CCC 'discrimination is prohibited on account of race, colour or creed'


  • Many poor sharecroppers didn't benefit from AAA, no money paid directly to tenants
  • Suffered disproportionately from unemployment
  • Restrictions by NRA to establish fair rates of pay evaded by many in South
  • Strengthening of Unions through Wagner Act did not benefit many African Americans as they were not members due to exclusion
  • Social Security Act did not apply to the mass of sharecroppers
  • Segregation prominent until 1954
  • CCC labour camps segregated, African Americans received poorest rates of employment
  • Roosevelt did not increase African American voting rights


Some improvement to their position, however many organisations ignored laws over african americans and so the actual development was severely limited


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