Aeneid line 614-952


614 - 619 Latin

Interea extremo bellator in aequore Turnus

palantis sequitur paucos iam segnior atque 

iam minus atque minus successu laetus equorum

attulit hung illi caecis terroribus aura

commixtum clamorem, arrectasque impulit auris

confusae sonus urbis et inlaetabile murmur.

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614 -619 English

Meanwhile at the far end of the plain the warrior Turnus

was pursuing a few strggling soldiers now more sluggish and

now less and less happy with the success of his horses

when the breeze brought back there to him an uproar 

mixed with blind terror, and his ears pricked up

merging the sound of the city and a joyless murmur

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620 - 626 Latin

"ei mihi! quid tanto turbantur moenia luctu?

quisque ruit tantus diversa clamor ad urbe?"

sic ait, adductisque amens subsistit habenis.

atque huic, infaciem soror ut conversa Metisci

aurigae currumque et equos et lora regebat,

talibus occurrit dictis: "hac, Turne, sequamur

Troiugenas, qua prima viam victoria pandit;

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620 - 626 English

"Alas for me! Which walls are being disturbed by such great sorrow?

Or what what such great uproar rises from the distant city?"

Thus he spoke, and out of his mind pulling short the reins he halted.

And in response to this, accordingly his sister disguised in the appearance

or his charioteer Metiscus and was ruling his chariot and horses and reins,

she countered him with such words: "Here, Turnus, let us pursue

Trojans, first where victory extends the way;

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627 - 631 Latin

Sunt alii qui tecta manu defendere possint.

ingruit Aeneas Italis et proelia miscet,

et nos saeva manu mittamus funera Teucris.

nec numero inferior pugnae neque honore recedes."

Turnus ad haec:

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627 - 631 English

There are others with hands who can defend our homes.

Aeneas has attacked the Italians and stirred up the battle:

and we must inflict by our hand cruel deaths to the Trojans.

You will retreat neither inferior in the honours of battle nor the number killed"

Turnus replied to this:

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632 - 637 Latin

"o soror, et dudum agnovi, cum prima per artem

foedera turbasti teque haec in bella dedisti,

et nunc nequiquam fallis dea. sed quis Olympo

demissam tantos voluit te ferre labores?

an fratris miseri letum ut crudele videres?

nam quid ago? aut quae iam spondet Fortuna salutem?

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632 - 637 English

"Oh sister, I both recongised you a little whole ago, when first through a trick

you disturbed the treaty and you participated in this war,

and now you try to conceal your divinity in vain. But who

having been sent down from Olympus wanted you to bring such great toils?

Or was it in order to see the cruel death of your miserable brother?

For what am I to do? Or what Fortune now promises me safety?

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638 - 644 Latin

Vidi oculos ante ipse meos me voce vocantem

Murranum, quo non superat mihi carior alter,

oppetere ingentem atque ingenti vulnere victum.

occidit infelix ne nostrum dedecus Ufens

aspiceret; Teucri potiuntur corpore et armis.

exscindine domos (id rebus defuit unum)

perpetiar, dextra nec Drancis dicta refellam?

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638 - 644 English

I saw before my own eyes Murranus calling to me with his voice,

than whom no-one alive is more dear to me,

he perished a mighty man and overwhelmed by a mighty wound.

Unlucky Ufens died in order not to see my dishonour

The Teucrians have obtained his body and weapons.

Shall I endure my house being destroyed (that alone is lacking in my fortunes?)

And should I not refute the skillful taunts of Drances?

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645 - 649 Latin

terga dabo et Turnum fugientem haec terra videbit?

usque adeone mori miserum est? vos o mihi, Manes,

este boni, quoniam superis aversa voluntas.

sancta ad vos anima atque istius inscia culpae

descendam mangorum haud umquam indignus avorum."

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645 - 649 English

Shall I turn tail and will this land see Turnus fleeing?

Is it always so dreadful to die? Oh you Manes,

be good to me, since the goodwill of the gods has turned away!

I shall come down to you a reverent soul and ignorant of all that fault

net ever unworthy of my great ancestors."

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650 - 653 Latin

Vix ea fatus erat: medios volat ecce per hostis

vectus equo spumante Saces, adversa sagitta

saucius ora, ruitque implorans nomine Turnum:

"Turne, in te suprema salus, miserere tuorum.

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650 - 653 English

He had barely spoken these words: But look, through the middle of the enemy flies

Saxes being carried by a foaming horse, wounded by an arrow

full in the face, and he rushed up imploring Turnus by name:

"Turnus, in you is our greatest safety, take pity on your people."

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654 - 660 Latin

fulminat Aeneas armis summasque minatur

deiecturum arces Italum excidioque daturum,

iamque faces ad tecta volant. in te ora Latini,

in te oculos referunt; mussat rex ipse Latinus

quos generos vocet aut quae sese ad foedera flectat.

praeterea regina, tui fidissima, dextra

occidit ipsa sua lucemque exterrita fugit.

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654 - 660 English

Aeneas is striking great blows with his weapons and he threatens 

that he will bring down the citadels of Italy and give them to destruction,

and now the torches are flying to the rooves. The faces of the Latins are on you,

the eyes too are turning to you; King Latinus himself wavers

on whom he should call for sons-in-law or which marriage contract he should bend himself to.

Besides the queen, most trusting of you, with her very own right hand

has killed herself and from fear fled from the light.

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661 - 664 Latin

soli pro portis Messapus et acer Atinas

sustentant acies. circum hos utrimque phalanges

stant densae strictisque seges mucronibus horret

ferrea; tu currum deserto in gramine versas."

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661 - 664 English

Alone in front of the gates Messapus and bold Atinas

are holding the battle line. All around them and on every side the battalions

stand pressed tightly together and bristling in the fields as a crop of steel

are their swords; but you are wheeling your chariot in the deserted grasslands

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665 - 671 Latin

obstipuit varia confusus imagine rerum

Turnus et obtutu tacito stetit; aestuat ingens

uno in corde pudor mixtoque insania luctu

et furiis agitatus amor et conscia virtus.

ut primum discussae umbrae et lux reddita menti,

ardentis oculorum orbis ad moenia torsit

turbidus eque rotis magnam respexit ad urbem.

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665 - 671 English

Turnus was thunderstruck bewildered by the shifting shape of things

and stood silently gazing; a bitter shame seethed

in that one heart of his, and frenzy mixed with grief

and love driven on by fury and a consciousness of his own courage. 

As soon as the shadows had lifted and light had returned to his mind,

he turned the burning orbs of his eyes round towards the walls

and he looked back confused from his chariot at the great city

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672 - 677 Latin

Ecce autem flammis inter tabulata volutus

ad caelum undabat vertex turrimque tenebat,

turrim compactis trabibus quam eduxerat pise

subdideratque rotas pontisque instraverat altos.

"iam iam fata, soror, superant, absiste morari;

quo deus et quo dura vocat Fortuna sequamur.

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672 - 677 English

But behold between the stpreys welled a column of flames

rolling to the sky and taking hold of a tower

a tower which having been joined together with beams he had built himself

and he had put wheels under it and fitted the long gangways.

"Now already the fates, sister, are overpowering me, so stop delaying;

Let us follow to where god and to where harsh Fortune calls me.

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678 - 683 Latin

stat conferre manum Aeneae, stat, quidquid acerbi est,

morte pati, neque me indecorem, germana, videbis

ampluis. hunc, oro, sine me fuere ante furorem."

dixit, et e curru sltum dedit ocius arvis

perque hostis, per tela ruit maestamque sororem

deserit ac rapido cursu media agmina rumpit.

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678 - 683 English

It is my fixed intent to meet Aeneas in battle, it is my fixed intent, whatever of bitterness there is,

to suffer in death, and you will not see me dishonourable, sister,

anymore. Let me, I beg, be mad with this madness first."

He spoke, and immediately leaps to the ground from his chariot

and through all his enemies, through their weapons he dashes and he abandons his grieving sister

and he breaks through the middle of the ranks in a swift charge.

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684 - 686 Latin

ac veluti montis saxum de vertice praeceps

cum ruit avulsum vento, seu terbidus imber

proluit aut annis soluit sublapsa vestustas;

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684 - 686 English

Just as a boulder rushes down headlong from the top of a mountain,

torn out with the wind, or if stormy showers wash it out

or the long duration of years loosens it;

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687 - 692 Latin

fertur in abruptum magno mons improbus actu

exsultatque solo, silvas armenta virosque

involuens secum: disiecta per agmina Turnus

sic urbis ruit ad muros, ubi plurima fuso

sanguine terra madet striduntque hastilibus aurae,

significatque manu et magno simul incipit ore:

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687 - 692 English

It carries itself headlong with great momentum, an evil mountain of rock

and bounds over the ground, with woods, herd and men,

rolling with it: so Turnus through the shattered ranks

crashes towards the walls of the city, where very much ground is wet with

shed blood and the air sings with flying spears,

and he indicates with his hand and at the same time he calls out in a loud voice:

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693 - 696 Latin

"parcite iam, Rutuli, et vos tela inhibete, Latini.

quecumque est fortuna, mea est; me verius unum

pro vobis foedus luere et decernere ferro."

discessere omnes medii spatiumque dedere.

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693 - 696 English

"Hold off now, Rutulians! And you, hold back your weapons, Latins!

Whatever fortune brings, is mine; it is better for me that one man should atone for the treaty

for all of you and settle the matter with the sword."

Everyone parted and left a space in the middle of them.

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697 - 703 Latin

At pater Aeneas audito nomine Turni

deserit et muros et summas deserit arces

praecipitatque moras omnis, opera omnia rumpit

laetitia exsultans horrendumque intonat armis:

quantus Athos aut quantus Eryx aut ipse coruscis

cum fremit ilicibus quantus gaudetque nivali

vertice se attollens pater Appenninus ad auras.

31 of 118

697 - 703 English

But father Aeneas when he had heard the name of Turnus

both departed the walls and departed the highest rampart

and cast down all onstacles, he breaks off from all tasks

exulting in his joy and thundering fearfully in his armour:

As great as Athos or as great as Eryx or as great as father Appenninus himself

when he roars with his wavering holm-oaks and rejoices

towering with a snow-whit summit up to the breezes.

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704 - 709 Latin

iam vero et Rutuli certatim et Troes et omnes

convertere oculos Itali, quique alta tenebant

moenia quique imos pulsabant ariete muros,

armaque desposuere umeris. stupet ipse Latinus

ingentis, genitos diversis partibus orbis,

inter se coiisse viros et cernere ferro.

33 of 118

704 - 709 English

Now indeed both the Rutulians in competition and the Trojans and everyone

turned their eyes to the Italians, and those who were holding the high walls

and those who were beating the bottommost walls with a battering ram,

and they put down their weapons from their shoulders. Latinus himself is astounded

That such mighty heroes, sprung from oppsing ends of the earth,

have met eachother and are deciding the issue with the sword

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710 - 714 Latin

atque illi, ut vacuo patuerunt aequore campi,

procursu rapido coniectis eminus hastis

inuadunt Martem clipeis atque aere sonoro.

dat gemitum tellus; tum crebros ensibus ictus

congeminant, fors et virtus miscetur in unum.

35 of 118

710 - 714 English

And those heroes, when the plains lie open in their empty expanse,

having cast their spears at a distance as they ran forward swiftly,

they rush to the battle with their shields and resounding bronze.

The ground gives a roar; then they redouble their numerous blows with swords,

luck and courage are mixed in one.

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715 - 719 Latin

ac velut ingenti Sila summove Taburno

cum duo conversis inimica in proelia tauri

frontibus incurrunt, pavidi cessere magistri,

stat pecus omne metu mutum, mussantque iuuencae

quis nemori imperitet, quem tota armenta sequantur;

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715 - 719 English

And just as which in huge Sila or on the summit of Taburnus

having turned their heads towards each other like two bulls in hostile battle,

they run together, the herdsmen fleeing in panic,

the herd stands silent with everyone in fear, and the heifers mutter about

who will govern the woods, whom will the whole herd follow;

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720 - 724 Latin

illi inter sese multa vi vulnera miscent

cornuaque obnixi infigunt et sanguine largo

colla armosque lavant, gemitu nemus omne remugit:

non aliter Tros Aeneas et Daunius heros

concurrunt clipeis, ingens fragor aethera complet.

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720 - 724 English

Those bulls mix many wounds amongst themselves with violence

and their horns having been pressed together drive themselves in and in bountiful blood

their necks and shoulders bather, the forest resounding with every groan:

Not in any other way did the Trojan Aeneas and Daunian hero

clash shields, a huge crash fills the air.

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725 - 727 Latin

Iuppiter ipse duas aequato examine lances

sustinet et fata imponit diversa duorum,

quem damnet labor et quo verhat pondere letum.

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725 -727 English

Even Jupiter himself supports to two plates of the scales in equal poise

and puts in the separate fates of two men,

to see whom the struggle dooms and with which weight death sinks.

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728 - 734 Latin

Emicat hic impune putans et corpore toto

alte sublatum consurgit Tunus in ensem

et ferit; exclamant Troes trepidique Latini,

arrectaeque amborum acies. at perfidus ensis

frangitur in medioque ardentem deserit ictu,

ni fuga subsidio subeat. fugit ocior Euro

ut capulum ignotum dextramque apexit inermem.

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728 - 734 English

Turnus lept forward thining in this moment he was safe and with his whole body

he lifted himself having been raised onto his high sword

and he struck, the Trojans and the Latins cried out alarmed,

and the armies of both sides watched intently. But the treacherous sword

broke in his passion mid-blow and would have failed him,

were not flight to come to help him. Faster than the east wind he flew,

as he noticed an unkown sword and his unarmed right hand.

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735 - 741 Latin

fama est praecipitem, cum prima in proelia iunctos

conscendebat equos, patrio mucrone relicto,

dum trepidat, ferrum aurigae rapuisse Metisci;

idque diu, dum terga dabant palantia Teucri,

suffecit; postquam arma dei ad Volcania uentum est,

mortalis mucro glacies ceu futtilis ictu

dissiluit, fulua resplendent fragmina harena.

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735 - 741 English

The story is passed down, that when first having been yoked in battle

he was mounting his horses, with his father's sword having been left behind,

while he was agitated, he seized the sword of his charioteer Metiscus.

For some time, while the Trojan were giving him their backs in flight,

it was enough; but after it came up against the divine armour of Vulcan,

the mortal blade brittle as an icicle on impact

shattered, fragments glittering on the golden sand.

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742 - 745 Latin

ergo amens diuersa fuga petit aequora Turnus

et nunc huc, inde huc incertos implicat orbis;

undique enim densa Teucri inclusere corona

atque hinc uasta palus, hinc ardua moenia cingunt

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742 - 745 English

Now Turnus out of his mind sought an escape to another part of the plain,

and now here, then there, he was weaving an uncertain course,

for from every side the Trojans enclosed him in a dense circle

and hemmed him in on one side in a huge marsh and on that side with steep walls.

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746 - 751 Latin

Nec minus Aeneas, quamquam tardata sagitta

interdum genua impediunt cursumque recusant,

insequitur trepidique pedem pede feruidus urget:

inclusem ueluti si quando flumine nactus

ceruum aut puniceae saeptum formidine pennae

uenator cursu canis et latribus instat:

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746 - 751 English

No less did Aeneas pursue him, although slowed down by the arrow

wound, sometimes his legs failing him and not allowing him to run,

and he seething presses hard with his foot upon the foot of frightened Turnus:

just as if at any time a hunting dog has happened upon a stag trapped by a river

or shut in by the terror of the scarlet feather

and presses him hard with his running and barking;

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752 - 757 Latin

ille autem insidiis et ripa territus alta

mille fugit refugitque uias, at uiuidus Vmber

haeret hians, iam iamque tenet similisque tenenti

increpuit malis morsuque elusus inani est;

tum uero exoritur clamor ripaeque lacusque

responsant circa et caelum tonat omne tumultu.

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752 - 757 English

but the stag terrified by the ambush and by the high river bank

runs and runs back a thousand ways, but the untiring Umbrian hound

clings to him gaping; and now he has him and now seemingly having him

his jaw snaps shut and he is cheated by an empty bite,

then indeed the uproar rises and the river banks and pools

rebound around and the sky thunders with the whole din.

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758 - 765 Latin

ille simul fugiens Rutulos simul increpat omnis

nomine quemque uocans notumque efflagitat ensem.

Aeneas mortem contra praesensque minatur

exitium, si quisquam adeat, terretque trementis

excisurum urbem minitans et saucius instat.

quinque orbis explent cursu totidemque retexunt

huc illuc; neque enim leuia aut ludicra petuntur

praemia, sed Turni de uita et sanguine certant.

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758 - 765 English

At the same time as fleeing Turnus also yelled at the Rutulians, calling each of them

by name and he demanded the sword which he knew well.

Aeneas on the other hand was threatening instant death and

destruction, if anyone should approach, and he terrifies those trembling

threatening to be about to raise their city to the ground, and though wounded he continued to pursue.

Five times round they completed a run in one direction and the same number they reran

from here to there; for this was no small or trivial prize they were seeking,

but they were competeing for the life and blood of Turnus.

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766 - 773 Latin

Forte sacer Fauno foliis oleaster amaris

hic steterat, nautis olim uenerabile lignum,

seruati ex undis ubi figere dona solebant

Laurenti diuo et uotas suspendere uestis;

sed stirpem Teucri nullo discrimine sacrum

sustulerant, puro ut possent concurrere campo.

hic hasta Aeneas stabat, huc impetus illam

detulerat fixam et lenta radice tenebat.

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766 - 773 English

By chance a bitter-leaved wild olive tree sacred to Faunus

had stood here, a tree once revered by sailors,

where men having been saved from the sea were accustomed to nail their offerings

to the Laurentine god and to hang their votive clothes;

But the Trojans with no exception for the sacred tree trunk

had removed it, in order to be able to compete on a clear plain.

Here the spear of Aeneas was rooted, his attack had carried and

fixed it here and was holding it fast in the root

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774 - 780 Latin

incubuit uoluitque manu conuellere ferrum

Dardanides, teloque sequi quem prendere cursu

non poterat. tum uero amens formidine Turnus

'Faune, precor, miserere' inquit 'tuque optima ferrum

Terra tene, colui uestros si semper honores,

quos contra Aeneadae bello fecere profanos.'

dixit, opemque  dei non cassa in uota uocauit.

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774 - 780 English

Aeneas stood over it and wanted to wrench out the spear with his hand

and hunt with a missile the man which he could not catch by running.

Then truly out of his mind with fear, Turnus

cried "pity me, I pray, Faunus, and you, excellent Earth,

hold onto the spear, if I have always paid you your honours

which on the other hand Aeneas' men have disrespected in war."

He spoke and he did not call in prayer for the help of the god in vain.

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781 - 785 Latin

namque diu luctans lentoque in stirpe moratus

uiribus haud ullis ualuit discludere morsus

roboris Aeneas. dum nititur acer et instat,

rursus in auridae faciem mutata Metisci

procurrit fratique ensem dea Daunia reddit.

59 of 118

781 - 785 English

For Aeneas was delayed for a long time struggling with the tough stump and

not any amount of strength prevailed to open the bite

of he wood. While he was heaving and straining vigorously,

the goddess Juturna, daughter of Daunus, having been changed again into the shape of the charioteer Metiscus

ran forward and returned the sword to her brother.

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786 - 790 Latin

quod Venus audaci nymphae indignata licere

accessit telumque alta ab radice reuellit.

olli sublimes armis animisque refecti,

hic gladio fidens, hic acer et arduus hasta,

adsistunt contra certamina Martis anheli.

61 of 118

786 - 790 English

At which Venus indignant that this was allowed to the bold nymph

approached the spear and wrenched it out from deep in the root.

These revered warriors, with their weapons and their spirits restored,

one relying on his sword, the other formidable and towering with his spear,

stood there breathing deeply, facing the contest of war

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791 - 797 Latin

Iuonem interea rex omnipotentis Olympi

adloquitur fulua pugnas de nube tuetem:

"quae iam finis erit, coniunx? quid denique restat?

Indigetem Aenean scis ipsa et scire fateris

deberi caelo fatisque tolli.

quid struis? aut qua spe gelidis in nubibus haeres?

mortalin decuit violari vulnere divum?

63 of 118

791 - 797 English

Meanwhile the king of all-powerful Olympus

spoke to Juno watchin the battles from a golden cloud:

"What now will be the end of this, wife? What finally remains?

You yourself know, and admit that you know that Aeneas is a good of this land,

that he is destined for heaven and fated to be raised to the stars.

What are you scheming? Or with what hope do you linger in the chilly clouds?

Was it right that a god should be dishonoured by a mortal wound? 

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798 - 802 Latin

aut ensem (quid enim sine te Iuturna valeret?)

ereptum reddi Turno et vim crescere victis?

desine iam tandem precibusque inflectere nostris,

ne te tantus edit tacitam dolor et mihi curae

saepe tuo dulci tristes ex ore recursent.

65 of 118

798 - 802 English

Or (for what could Juturna have done without your help?) that the sword

taken from him should be returned to Turnus and strength increased to the defeated?

Cease now at last and give way to our entreaties,

lest such great sorrow gnaws at you in silence and your sad woes

Stream back to me often from your sweet lips.

66 of 118

803 - 809 Latin

Ventum ad supremum est. terris agitare vel undis

Troianos potuisti, infandum accendere bellum,

deformare domum et luctu miscere hymenaeos:

ulterius temptare veto." sic Iuppiter orsus;

sic dea summisso contra Saturnia vultu:

"ista quidem quia nota mihi tua, magne, voluntas,

Iuppiter, et Turnum et terras inuita reliqui;

67 of 118

803 - 809 English

It has come to the end. By sea and by land

you have been able to chase the Trojans, to inflame evil war,

to disgrace a house and mix grief with the marriage song:

I forbid you to attempt any further." Thus Juppiter spoke;

Thus the goddess, daughhter of Saturn, replied with a lowered expression:

"Because that which indeed you wanted was known to me, great

Jupiter, I have abandoned both Turnus and the earth unwillingly;

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810 - 815 Latin

nec tu me aeria solam nunc sede videres

digna indigna pati, sed flammis cincta sub ipsa

starem acie traheremque inimica in proelia Teucros.

Iuturnam misero (fateor) succurrere fratri

suasi et pro vita maiora audere probavi,

non ut tela tamen, non ut contenderet arcum;

69 of 118

810 - 815 English

But now you would not see me with a seat alone in mid-air

to suffer things fit and unfit, but clothed in fire,

I would be standing close to the line of battle itself and dragging Trojans into hostile combat.

I despatched Juturna (I confess) to offer help to her brother

and for his life I approved that she should dare greater acts,

but however not that she should contend with the arrow or the bow;

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816 - 822 Latin

adiuro Stygii caput implacabile fontis,

una superstitio superis quae reddita divis.

et nunc cedo equidem pugnasque exosa relinquo.

illud te, nulla fati quod lege tenetur,

pro Latio obtestor, pro maiestate tuorem:

cum iam conubiis pacem felicibus (esto)

component, cum iam leges et foedera iungent,

71 of 118

816 - 822 English

I swear by the head of the merciless fountain of the Styx,

that which alone is held in awe by the Gods above.

And now I yield indeed and leave behind the hated fights.

This I beg you, because nothing is prohibitted by law of fate,

for Latium, for the majesty of your own descendants:

when now they make peace with happy nuptials (so be it)

when now they join together in laws and treaties,

72 of 118

823 - 828 Latin

ne vetus indigenas nomen mutare Latinos

neu Troas fieri iubeas Teucrosque vocari

aut vocem mutare viros aut vertere vestem.

sit Latium, sint Albani per saecula reges,

sit Romana potens Itala virtute propago:

occidit, occideritque sinas cum nomine Troia."

73 of 118

823 - 828 English

you should not order the native Latins to change their ancient name,

and nor to become Trojans and to be called Teucrians

or to change the language of men, or alter their clothing.

Let Laitium exist, let there be Alban kings through the ages.

let Roman offspring be strong in Italian virtue:

Troy has fallen, and allow her to be fallen, with her name."

74 of 118

829 -833 Latin

olli subridens hominum rerumque repertor:

"es germana Iovis saturnique altera proles,

irarum tantos voluis sub pectore fluctus.

verum age et inceptum frustra summitte furorem:

do quod vis, et me victusque volensque remitto.

75 of 118

829 -833 English

Smiling at her, the creator of men and things replied:

"You are a sister of Jove and another child of Saturn,

such waves of anger revolve within your heart.

Come, truly, calm the passion begun in vain:

I grant what you wish, and I concede myself, both defeated and willingly.

76 of 118

834 - 837 Latin

Sermonem Ausonii patrium moresque tenebunt,

utque est nomen erit; conmixti corpore tantum

subsident Teucri. morem ritusque sacrorum

adiciam faciamque omnis uno ore Latinos

77 of 118

834 - 837 English

Ausonia's sons will keep their ancestors' speech and customs,

and as their name is, so it will be: merged in body only

the Trojans shall subside. Sacred laws and rites

I will add and make all Latins of one tongue.

78 of 118

838 - 842 Latin

hinc genus Ausonio mixtum quod sanguine surget,

supra homines, supra ire deos pietate videbis,

nec gens ulla tuos aeque celebrabit honores."

adnuit his Iuno et mentem laetata retorsit;

interea excedit caelo nubemque relinquit.

79 of 118

838 - 842 English

From here a race will rise, which is merged with Ausonian blood,

you will see to surpass men, to surpass gods in piety,

and not any other nation will celebrate your rites with equal honours."

Juno agreed to this and joyfully she altered her mind;

meanwhile she withdrew from her cloud and left the sky.

80 of 118

843 - 848 Latin

Hic actis aliud genitor secum ipse volutat

Iuturnamque parat fratris dimittere ab armis.

dicuntur geminae pestes cognomine Dirae,

quas et Tartaream Nox intempesta Megaeram

uno eodemque tulit partu, paribusque reuinxit

seprentum spiris ventosasque addidit alas.

81 of 118

843 - 848 English

When this had been done the father turns over something else in his mind

and prepares to disiss Juturna from the defence of her brother.

twin plagues are talked about with the name of the Dirae

and whom untimely Night birthed with Tartarean Megaera

on of the same, and joined them equally

in snakey coils and added wings like the wind.

82 of 118

849 - 855 Latin

hae Iovis ad solium saevique in limine regis

apparent acuuntque metum mortabilis aegris,

si quando letum horrificum morbosque deum rex

molitur, meritas aut bello territat urbes.

harum unam celerem demisit ab aethere summo

Iuppiter inque omen Iuturnae occurrere iussit:

illa volat celerique ad terram turbine fertur.

83 of 118

849 - 855 English

These women appear on the throne of Jove and on the fierce king's threshold and sharpen the fears of weak mortals,

if ever the king of the gods hurls plagues and the horrors of death

or terrifies deserving cities with war.

Jupiter sent one of these quickly down from the heights of heaven

and ordered it to meet with Juturna as an omen;

she flew and was carried to the ground in a swift whirlwind.

84 of 118

856 - 860 Latin

non secus ac nervo per nubem impulsa sagitta,

armatem saevi Parthus quam felle veneni,

Parthus sive Cydon, telum immedicabile, torsit,

stridens et celeris incognita transilit umbras:

talis se sata Nocte tulit terrasque petivit.

85 of 118

856 - 860 English

And not unlike an arrow loosed from the string through the clouds

which a Parthian fired armed with cruel poison's venom,

a Parthian or Cydonian, an uncurable dart,

hissing and leaping unforseen through the swift shadows:

so the daughter of Night carried herself and sought the earth.

86 of 118

861 - 868 Latin

postquam acies videt Iliacas atque agmina Turni,

alitis in parvae subitam collecta figuram,

quae quondam in bustis aut culminibus desertis

nocte sedens serum canit importuna per umbras -

hanc versa in faciem Turni se pestis ob ora

fertque refertque sonans clipeumque everberat alis.

illi membra novus soluit formidine torpor,

arrectaeque horrore comae et vox faucibus haesit.

87 of 118

861 - 868 English

After she saw the Trojan battle line and the troops of Turnus,

she suddenly changed shape having shrunk into a small bird,

which sitting late by night on certain tombs or deserted rooftops

she sings her unnatural song through the shadows - 

In this form this pest brought herself flying at the face of Turnus

and came again screeching she beat his shield with her wings.

88 of 118

869 - 874 Latin

At procul ut Dirae stridorem agnovit et alas,

infelix crinis scindit Iuturna solutos

unguibus ora soror foedans et pectora pugnis:

"quid nunc te tua, Turne, potest germana iuuare?

aut quid iam durae superat mihi? qua tibi lucem

arte morer? talin possum me opponere monstro?

89 of 118

869 - 874 English

But as his sister, unhappy Juturna recognised the whirring wings

of the Dira from a long way off and she tore at her loosened hair

scratching her face with her nails and beating her breast:

"What can your sister do to help you now, Turnus?

Or what now overpowers long-suffering me? By what art can I prolong

your life? How can I set myself against such a portent?

90 of 118

875 - 881 Latin

iam iam linquo acies. ne me terrete timentem,

obscenae volucres: alarum verbera nosco

letalemque sonum, nec fallunt iussa superba

magnanimi Iovis. haec pro virginitate reponit?

quo vitam dedit aeternam? cur mortis adempta est

condicio? possem tantos finire dolores

nunc certe, et misero fratri comes iro per umbras!

91 of 118

875 - 881 English

At last, at last, I leave the battle. Do not frighten me already fearing,

detestable birds: I know the beating of your wings

and the sound of death, the proud commands

of great-hearted Juppiter do not escape me. Is this restoration for me virginity?

To what end has he given me eternal life? Why has he deprived me

of the state of death? I could certainly put an end to such great

suffering now, and go as company for my miserable brother through the shades!

92 of 118

882 - 886 Latin

immortalis ego? aut quicquam mihi dulce meorum 

te sine, frater, erit? o quae satis ima dehiscat

terra mihi, Manisque deam demittat ad imos?"

tantum effata caput glauco contexit amictu

multa gemens et se fluvio dea condidit alto.

93 of 118

882 - 886 English

I am to be immortal? or will anything of mine be sweet to me

without you, my brother? Oh what earth can open

deep enough for me, and take a goddess down to the deepest of shades?"

Having said so much she covered her head in a blue green veil

and moaning much the goddess plunged into the depths of her own river.

94 of 118

887 - 890 Latin

Aeneas instat contra telumque coruscat

ingens arboreum, et saevo sic pectore fatur:

"quae nunc deinde mora est? aut quid iam, Turne, retractas?

non curse, saevis certandum est comminus armis.

95 of 118

887 - 890 English

Aeneas pressed on against Turnus and his spear flashed

as huge as a tree, and he spoke thus from his savage heart:

"What now then is the delay? Or what Turnus, are you still avoiding?

Not by running, we must compete with dangerous weapons at close quarters.

96 of 118

891 - 895 Latin

verte omnis tete in facies et contrahe quidquid

sive animis sive arte vales; opta ardua pennis

astra sequi clausumque cava te condere terra."

ille caput quassans: "non me tua fervida terrent

dicta, ferox; di me terremt et Iuppiter hostis."

97 of 118

891 - 895 English

Turn yourself into any shape and scrape together all your strength

either of spirit or skill; choose a steep course with wings

to follow the stars or shut yourself up to hide in the hollow ground."

He shaking his head replied; "Your wild words

do not terrify me, fierce Aeneas; the gods terrify me and hostile Jupiter."

98 of 118

896 - 902 Latin

nec plura effatus saxum circumspicit ingens,

saxum antiquum ingens, campo quod forte iacebat,

limes argo positus litem ut discerneret arvis.

vix illum lecti bis sex cervice subirent,

qualia nunc hominum producit corpora tellus;

ille manu raptum trepida torquebat in hostem

altior insurgens et cursu concitus heros.

99 of 118

896 - 902 English

Having said no more he caught sight of a huge rock,

a huge ancient rock, which by chance was lying on the plain,

a boundary stone having been put in the field to settle a dispute about land.

Twelve chosen men would scarcely get under it with their neck

with such bodies like those the earth now produces;

he the hero having caught it up in his trembling hands was unfurling

rising higher above his enemy and running at speed.

100 of 118

903 - 907 Latin

sed neque currentem se nec cognoscit euntem

tollentemue manu saxumue immane moventem;

genua labant, gelidus concrevit frigore sanguis.

tum lapis ipse viri vacuum per inane volutus 

nec spatium evasit totum neque pertulit ictum.

101 of 118

903 - 907 English

But he did not recognise himself either running or going

or lifting ot moveing the huge rock in his hand;

his knees gave way, his cold blood frooze with a chill.

Then the stone of the hero itself having been rolled away through the empty void

neither went through the whole space nor struck its blow.

102 of 118

908 - 912 Latin

ac velut in somnis, oculos ubi languida pressit

nocte quies, nequiquam avidos extendere cursus

velle videmur et in mediis conatibus aegri

succidimus; non lingua valet, non corpore notae

sufficiunt vires nec vox aut verba sequuntur.

103 of 118

908 - 912 English

Just as in sleep, when quiet rest lies heavy on our eyes

at night, we seem eager to want to run

further in vain and in mid effort

we fall down feeble; the tongue is useless, the strength known to us

fails our body and no voice or words follow.

104 of 118

913 - 918 Latin

Sic Turno, quacumque viam virtute petivit,

successum dea dira negat. tum pectore sensus

vertuntur varii; Rutulos aspectat et urbem

cunctaturque metu letumque instare tremescit,

nec quo se eripiat, nec qua vi tendat in hostem,

nec currus usquam videt aurigamue sororem.

105 of 118

913 - 918 English

So it was with Turnus, wherever he sought a way through courage,

the dreadful goddess barred his orgress. At that time various thoughts

whirled in his mind; he gazed at the Rutulians and the city

and he faltered with fear and he trembled at the death that was upon him,

He could not see where to escape to, nor with what force to come at his enemy,

and he saw no chariot anywhere or his sister the charioteer.

106 of 118

919 - 925 Latin

Cunctanti telum Aeneas fatale coruscat,

sortitus fortunam oculis, et corpore toto

eminus intorquet. murali concita numquam

tormento sic saxa fremunt nec fulmine tanti

dissultant crepitus. volat atri turbinis instar

exitium dirum hasta ferens orasque recludit

loricae et clipei extremos septemplicis orbis;

107 of 118

919 - 925 English

With Turnus faltering Aeneas flashed the deadly spear,

his eyes having picked its chance, and with his whole body

he threw from long range. Stones hurled by siege engines at walls never

roar like this nor does the crash from a thunderbolt

burst forth so loud. Like a dark whirlwind the spear flew

carrying death and destruction and piercing the outer layer

of the sevenfold shield and then the lower edge of the breastplate;

108 of 118

926 - 931 Latin

per medium stridens transit femur. incidit ictus

ingens ad terram duplicato poplite Turnus.

consurgunt gemitu Rutuli totusque remugit

mons circum et vocem late nemora alta remittunt.

ille humilis supplex oculos dextramque precantem

protendens "equidem merui nec deprecor" inquit;

109 of 118

926 - 931 English

It travelled whistling through the middle of the thigh. The blow struck

great Turnus his knee having been bent to the ground.

The Rutulians rose with a groan and it echoed

round the whole mountain and far and wide the high foreests sent back their voices.

He lowering his humbke eyes and stretching out his right hand as a suppliant

said "Truly I deserve this and i do not beg for mercy";

110 of 118

932 - 939 Latin

"utere sorte tua. miseri te si qua parentis

tangere cura potest, oro (fuit et tibi talis

Anchises genitor) Dauni miserere senectae

et me, seu corpus spoliatum lumine mavis,

redde meis. vicisti et victum tendere palmas

Ausonii videre; tua est Lavinia coniunx,

ulterius ne tende odiis." stetit acer in armis

Aeneas voluens oculos dextramque repressit;

111 of 118

932 - 939 English

"Use your fortune. If any care of my miserable parents

is able to touch you, I beg (and such a father to you

was Anchises) take pity on the old age of Daunus

and give me back to my people or if you prefer it my body

robbed of the light. You defeated me and stretching out my hands

the Ausonians have seen me defeated; Lavinia is your wife,

do not hold onto your hatred further." Aeneas stood deadly in his armour

rolling his eyes and held back his hand;

112 of 118

940 - 944 Latin

et iam iamque magis cunctantem flectere sermo

coeperat, infelix umero cum apparuit alto

balteus et notis fulserunt cingula bullis

Pallantis pueri, victum quem vulnere Turnus

straverat atque umeris inimicum insigne gerebat.

113 of 118

940 - 944 English

and hesitating more again and again as the speech

began to move him, when he saw the unlucky baldric

high on his shoulder and the belt flashed with its well-known studs

of the boy Pallas, whom Turnus having defeated him with a wound

had killed and he was wearing the badge of his enemy on his shoulder.

114 of 118

945 - 949 Latin

ille, oculis postquam saevi monimenta doloris

exuviasque hausit, furiis accensus et ira

terribilis: "tune hunc spoliis indute meorum

eripire mihi? Pallas te hoc vulnere, Pallas

immolat et poenam scelerato ex sanguine sumit."

115 of 118

945 - 949 English

He, after his eyes drank in the trophey

reminding him of his savage grief, burning with fury and terrible

anger he cried: "are you wearing the spoils of my loved one

to be snatched away from me here? Pallas with this wound, Pallas

offers you as a sacrifice and takes punishment from your sinful blood."

116 of 118

950 - 952 Latin

hoc dicens ferrum adverso sub pectore condit

fervidus; ast illi soluuntur frigore membra

vitaque cum gemitu fugit indignata sub umbras.

117 of 118

950 - 952 English

Saying this he burried the steel full into his breast

raging; in this way his limbs were dissolved with cold

and his life fled with a groan resentful down to the shades.

118 of 118


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