5. Who won the Cuban missile crisis


5. Who won the Cuban missile crisis

How did the USA react to the Cuban revolution?

5.1 The Cuban revolution and the reaction of the USA

  • Cuba only 144km away from USA
  • US businesses dominated Cuba - mainly sugar and tobacco
  • US tourists in Havana
  • Large naval base at Guantanamo
  • USA supported Cuban leader, Fulgencio Batista - he was corrupt but anti communist
  • 1959 - Fidel Castro overthrew Batista following a guerilla campaign from 1956
  • Castro took over many US owned businesses
  • He took over US owned land and gave it to Cuban farmers
  • He forged links with the USSR
  • Khrushchev sent him advisers, economic aid and military equipment
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5. Who won the Cuban missile crisis

How did the USA react to the Cuban revolution?

5.2 The Bay of Pigs invasion

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5. Who won the Cuban missile crisis

Why did Khrushchev put missiles in Cuba?

5.3 The beginnings of the missile crisis

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5. Who won the Cuban missile crisis

Why did Kennedy react as he did?

1. Kennedy's options

  • Do nothing
  • Surgical air strike
  • Invasion
  • Diplomatic pressure
  • Blockade (quarantine)
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5. Who won the Cuban missile crisis

Why did Kennedy react as he did?

2. Kennedy's reasons

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5. Who won the Cuban missile crisis

Who won the Cuban missile crisis?

5.5 The end of the crisis and its consequences

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