Types of conservation

insitu and exsitu. Name the advantages and disadvantages. Also be able to explain and describe what each one is.

Make sure you know:

That in situ conservation involves protecting species in their natural habitat, whereas ex situ involves protecting a species by moving part of a population from a threatened habitata and placing them in a new location.

That in situ includes establishing protected areas, such as wildlife reserves and marine conservation zones. 

That ex situ includes breeding organisms in capivity (e.g. zoos), then reintroducing them to the wild, and conserving organisms in botanic gardens and seed banks.

That the Rio Convention of Biological diversity (CBD) is an international agreement that aims to develop international strategies in the conservation of biodiversity adn how to use animal and plant resources in a sustainable way.

That CITES (Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species) is an agreement designed to increase international cooperation in regulating trade in wild animal and plant specimens.

That the Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS) is a local agreement to conserve wildlife and biodiversity by promoting specific management techiques to landowners.

  • Created by: Georgia56
  • Created on: 03-06-17 15:06
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