Dubai Web Design Company

The primary role of web design nowadays is to hook the visitors right from the word go. The first visit is like the first and last chance for a company in this concern as there are many factors that make this the only choice all companies have. An online marketplace is full of e-commerce stores and portals. Gone are the days when you could lure a person at a low price. The competition is tough, and companies now forced to work on razor-sharp margins. So, what’s the remedy here? A brilliant design! 

Web design is one aspect for which you need to be on top of your game regardless of which product you are trying to sell. The brand image of a product can be rightly portrayed through its website, and design plays a crucial role in making this possible. This is one reason why more businesses are seriously giving a second thought to their web design. There are many things that they need to think like spending their time and money wisely to come up with a great design. 

Starting a Business in Dubai

If you think that in the wake of World Expo 2020, there will be huge opportunities for any business, you are right to an extent. But to make your business tick, you must make a herculean effort in this concern. Design is one aspect in which businesses tend to forget while they are emphasizing marketing and sales aspects. 

For small businesses and startups, it is an absolute necessity so that they can have a real go at their competitors and have an edge over them. The following are 4 ways in which stunning web design can drive your marketing efforts and make sure your efforts don’t go wasted. 

1. User Experience

There can’t be a great user experience without compelling web design. We all love websites that load quickly. No one has the time to wait for eternity for a website to download. The fast loading speed of websites is an absolute necessity; most visitors are impatient. It is a Google ranking factor too that you have to consider, or else Google will severely penalize your website. More on that later in the second point. 

Even otherwise, no one has the luxury to wait for minutes for a site to load. 2-3 seconds is all that you have, and else visitors will leave your website for good. A great way to get the attention of visitors through the apt use of UX is using videos to optimum use. Short videos of 10-30 seconds in duration are in vogue, and social media is flooded with such videos and ads. 

You need to make a great effort in this concern and must have the right strategy to come out triumphant here. 

2. SEO Rankings

If you think that website design has nothing to do with can affect your SEO efforts as well. With more than 60% of your potential customers using handheld devices, you need to consider this aspect for sure. Any website which doesn’t take this factor into consideration will lose the race and quite quickly too. This is why most websites are built with responsive technology in mind; that’s where you ought to have the assistance of a web design agency with professionals in their team in this concern. 

If your website is not responsive, you are missing out on a large percentage of potential customers who use any handheld device. Even the users who have desktop computers at home or office, use to browse through the websites, Facebook and some messaging apps on their smartphones as they fear for the privacy aspect here. Furthermore, when your website is SEO optimized and easy to navigate, visitors tend to spend more time on your website and eventually can become your customers. 

3. Improve Conversion Rate

Great website design can lead to good conversion rates. You may think that how’s that possible, but it is directly proportional. A stunning design will lead to more visitors to stay on your website for a longer duration. And that will increase your chance of selling a product if the visitor is persuaded by what you are selling to him, with design playing a lead role. 

Designers need to pay full attention to many aspects like navigation, color, and CTAs to name a few. These elements and others make visitors turn them into paying customers. A professional Dubai web design company can offer you so much so that to maintain a perfect balance between what they see on screen and how they perceive it so that they make an instant decision in this concern. 

4. Improve Your Branding Efforts

If you think that you need some branding efforts to amp up your marketing efforts, you are right. But you need to give it a serious thought rather than just a half-baked plan that will not yield fruits. Aspects like Logos, trademarks, and colors are a true reflection of your brand. Just a brilliantly conceived logo can make your brand get light years ahead of the competition. Just think of famous logos like Nike and McDonalds and how much they contribute to the brand image of their respective products. 

A professionally designed website can help you craft a perfect brand message that portrays your brand with your visitors, with every one of them being your potential customer. That’s why hiring a reputable design agency is a sensible decision. 

Final Word

A well-designed, visually appealing design can be one way to attract your target audience. Businesses need to make certain that they opt for a design that looks professional and also is bang on-trend. Not just a pretty looking design with outlandish graphics can offer you great results. You need to think of how to make things work in your way and stand-out in the competition.  

If you want to know more about any of the aspects mentioned above or want to offer your valuable feedback for this blog, you are more than welcome. Please use the comments section below, and I’ll be more than happy to get back to you at my earliest.



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