Geography AS Case Study Cards

All case studies of Unit 1 appart from the 2 migration studies, and all my Unit 2 appart from feildwork and research.

Includes 4 per page (fold vertically and cut in half)

- Volcanoes (Pinatubo, St Helens)

- Eathquakes (Japan, Kashmir)

- Landslides (China, Kashmir)

- Floods (Midwestern American, Bihar)

- Drought (Africa, Australia Big Dry)

- Tropical Storms (Hurricane Katrina, Typhoon Haiyan)

- Megacities (LA, Mumbai, Cuririba)

- Avalanches (MT Huascaran, Galtur)

- Climate change (Africa, Arctic, Bangladesh, Tuvalu)

- Hazard hot spots (Philippines, California)

- Globalisation (Volkswagen, Tesco)

- Rebranding (Glasgow 2014, Liverpool 2008, London 2012, Northwood Hills + Curitba)

- Extreme weather (European Heat waves + Bihar, Pakistan, Katrina, Haiyan, Australia Africa etc)

Apologies if there are any mistakes or mispelt words. Please not the case studies can be used for both units.

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