Westward Expansion of America


Westward Expansion of America


  • More land - Homestead Act
  • Farming
  • Railways have made it accessible
  • Could find opportunity and wealth e.g., in the gold mines
  • African Americans could go somewhere less discriminatory than the South (‘Black Exodus’)


  • Difficult to farm due to extreme weather and climate conditions
  • Low money
  • Many large farms that dominate smaller family-run farms
  • Railways are expensive
  • Forces Native Americans out of their lands


Overall, westward expansion might seem like a positive idea but many were faced with terrible hardships and poverty. Even those trying to find wealth in the once lucrative gold mines were unsuccessful as most found themselves without viable amounts of gold. Also, by moving west you would become an enemy of the Native Americans and possibly face surprise attacks if you encroached on their land. Therefore, in my opinion, moving west is not a good idea.


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