Water Fluoridation

Flouride is added to water to reduce tooth decay and theefore improve public health but water flouridation has many advantages and disadvantages.


Water Fluoridation


  • Fluoridation to water is regarded as a simple measure to improve public health. Adding fluoride helps strengthen the enamel of teeth, preventing decay, cavities and tooth loss.


  • It is a form of MASS MEDICATION this means that people have no choice whether or not they have fluoride in water.
  • As people have no choice on whether they have fluoride in their water it is seen as unethical, whereas with fluoride toothpastes people can decide on fluoride or non fluoride toothpastes.
  • Can cause osteoporosis and cancer.


Although water fluoridation greatly benefits us as it reduces tooth related problems, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages and also the right to free will and choice is removed as water fluoridation is not our choice but concerns us. 


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