Was MQS a serious threat?


Was MQS a serious threat?


  • Strong claim to the throne of England (and was monarch of Scotland)
  • Strong links with Catholic Europe - France (Guise family), Spain and Italy
  • Good figurehead for Catholic rebellions - her presence encourages revolt- natural leader of English Catholics
  • Elizabeth had not named a successor
  • Threat intensified by excommunication 1570 & arrival of Jesuit Priests
  • Execution in 1587 against Elizabeth's wishes - political necessity, so major threat


  • All plots/revolts failed - Northern Rebellion 800 hanged - little popular support
  • Elizabeth had support of vast majority - response to Northern Rebellion
  • People came to MQS with plots - she was not in a position to actively initiate plots (imprisoned by Elizabeth)
  • Walsingham foiled plots - effective and lethal spy network
  • Too foreign to be Queen? Most did not view her as acceptable alternative Queen
  • Many English Catholics remained loyal to anointed Queen - many horrified by plots
  • Guise family and Philip distracted by problems in own territories
  • Effective Catholic intervention unlikely


Although her presence encouraged revolt/plotting, she was not successful in any of the plots. Her foreign connections did not worsen England's relations with Europe, which were already abominable.  Furthermore, she was not popular in England, and most English Catholics did not support her. Therefore, she was a threat (hence the necessity of her execution), but not a major one.


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