Votes For Women

  • Created by: Elle Jane
  • Created on: 21-02-14 21:35

Votes For Women


  • Women are equal before God
  • Women already have the vote in local elections
  • Women pay taxes
  • Some women (e.g. Doctors and mayors) are far better than some men (e.g. convicts and lunatics) who have the vote
  • Other countries have given women the vote


  • A women's place in the home; going out into the rough world of politics will change her caring nature
  • Many women do not want the vote, and would not use it if they had it
  • Women do not fight in wars
  • The vast majority of women are too ignorant of politics too know how to use the vote properly
  • If women are given the vote, it will not be the gentle intelligent women who will stand for parliament, but the violent suffragettes who will ruin parliament



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