Tudor Government - Henry VII VS Henry VIII

  • Created by: Ayesha
  • Created on: 17-05-16 18:37

Tudor Government - Henry VII VS Henry VIII


  • Use of Justices of the Peace to maintain local government, instead of relying on the nobility.
  • Encouraged talented advisers and administrators outside of the nobility.
  • Both actively used the Privy Chamber, yet it did become more prominent under Henry VIII, with several 'leaders' - Wolsey and Sir Thomas More in the early years, Thomas Cromwell from 1532-1540, and the Comptroller of the King's Household (Sir William Paget) during the final years of Henry VIII's reign.


  • Henry VII took a much more personal interest in government due to his insecurity as a usurper - whereas Henry VIII left much of the work to his chief advisers, namely Wolsey and Cromwell.
  • The system of 'Chief Advisers' relied heavily on maintaining the King's favour, something which proved to be difficult.
  • Henry VIII did not share his father's dedication to the 'unglamorous' side of ruling.

Overall comparison





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