Theravada vs Mahayana


Theravada vs Mahayana

SimilaritiesGetting Started

  • Both share the common basic Buddhist teachings of Four Noble Truths, Eight-fold path.
  • There is a monastic tradition in both branches of Buddhism. The monastic tradition in Theravada is perhaps considered more important and there is a strong relationship between monks/nuns and lay people. Mahayana Buddhism also has a strong monastic tradition.


  • Theravada Buddhism – Southern (Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, parts of Southeast Asia)
  • Mahayana Buddhism – Northern (Tibet, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, parts of Southeast Asia )
  • Theravada in Pali (Pali Canon).
  • Mahayana in Sanskrit (Sutras)
  • Theravada Buddhism is more conservative. It places importance on the original Pali language as the birth language of the Buddha. Pali is used in worship.
  • Mahayana Buddhism suggests Boddhisatva’s delay their realisation to stay in Samsara and help other struggling humans
  • Theravada suggests Bodhisattvas seek enlightenment first before they can help others stuck in Samsara. In Mahayana Buddhism, Bodhisattvas have greater prominence
  • There are two main types of Theravada meditation: Samatha: Calming meditation, Vipassana: Insight meditation
  • Mahayana Buddhism greater emphasis on mantras, chanting, especially in Tibetan Buddhism.Though Tibetan Buddhism is based on Mahayana, it could be seen as its own strand – Vajrayana. Tibetan Buddhism is based on Tantric disciplines.
  • Modern expressions of Mahayana Buddhism are Pure Land,Zen,Vajrayana (or Tantric) Buddhism
  • Modern expressions of Theravada are Thai Forest Tradition and Vipassana
  • Theravada literally means “Teaching of the Elders,” while Mahayana means “The Great Vehicle.”

Overall comparison

Theravada buddhism came first. It focuses on the teachings of the Buddha through strict meditation and the Buddha’s Eightfold Path to Enlightenment. Theravada Buddhists seek to become an arhat or fully awakened beings. Becoming an arhat requires great dedication. In fact, it’s usually only attempted by monks. Theravada Buddhists follow the pali canon. This is different to Mahayana who aim to incorporate newer teachings into the practice. It also gave laypeople the chance to reach Enlightenment. With less emphasis on the original Pali canon and a focus on encouraging everyone toward Enlightenment. 


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