The UK as a Multi-Ethnic Society


The UK as a Multi-Ethnic Society


  • Helps people gain a greater understanding of different races and cultures, which helps to break the barriers of ignorance.
  • There is a new found respect and tolerance for other races and their unique cultures,
  • New races bring new religions, expanding our faith system. This helps us gain a better spiritual understanding of the world.
  • Multi-ethnic societies provide us with new music, food, clothes and cultures, brining more variety to life that can be enjoyed.
  • People who immigrate also bring new, fresh ideas and viewpoints, which can make people more open-minded.


  • An influx of people into the country can put added pressure onto public services - such as the NHS. Native British people may then find it more difficult to utilise these services.
  • Many immigrants come here in search of work. They maybe taking up the few jobs available, taking them from British people. Some Brits feel as though these jobs should be reserved for people native to the country.
  • Racism becomes a serious issue. It can occur in multiple sectors, such as housing, education, employment and shopping. This can lead to violence and protests, such as the Brixton Riots in 1981 and Bradford Riots in 2001.


A multi-ethnic society has many advantages, as well as disadvantages. Yet the advantages seem to outweigh the disadvantages. 


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