Structured interviews

  • Created by: cashj244
  • Created on: 01-06-17 14:53

Structured interviews


  • reliability - fixed list of questions, pre coded categories, easy to repeat
  • Representative - quick to conduct - large sample
  • higher response rate that mailed questionnaires
  • Cheapest form of interview
  • Face to face contact - higher response rate
  • Limited interviewer effect compared to unstructured interviews - contact is to a limit with set questions


  • Lack of validity
  • Can't add on questions or raise new issues
  • closed ended questions prevents interviewee from saying how they are really feeling - invalid
  • Difficult to know if respondent is telling the truth (problem with all interviews)
  • Interviewer effect - interviewers class, gender, age may influence responses
  • Cost - employing and training interviewers costs money - not as cheap as mail questionnaires
  • The respondent may not want to answer personal or sensitive questions in front of interviewer


Positivists find the qualitative data very useful. Take less time than unstructured interviews so are less disruptive to school - likely to receive support for the research. Easy to repeat, so large scale educational behavior can be identified. Interviews may be more unsuccessful with pupils than written questionnaires because pupils are likely to have better verbal skills than literacy. Pupils language and linguistic skills may not be fully developed and may have difficulty understanding certain questions. Informed consent is needed. Power and status between interviewer and pupil may be an issue, as the pupil may see researcher as a teacher or an authority figure and may not give true answers. 


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