Stanley Kowalski

  • Created by: Sonia16
  • Created on: 25-02-17 13:53



  • Animalistic physical vigor, which is evidence in his love of fighting, work and sex.
  • His authoritive personality is shown through his outbursts of anger he demonstrates towards his friends and his wife.
  • Very loving towards his pregnant wife.
  • Likes gambling, drinking and sex.
  • His family and himself are polish which results in the term "polka" being used to describe him by Eunice and Blanche. Stanley shows anger towards this and states that he is from America and should be referred to as a "Pole".

Development (Growth & change)


  • Seen at the start of the play as the egalitarian hero.
  • Doesn't like Blanche from the onset as she feels he looks down on himself and his friends, This animosity towards her manifests itself in everything that he does therefore resulting in him investigating her past, her birthday gift to her (ticket back to Laurel) and the sabotage of her relationship with Mitch.
  • His down to earth personality is changed to a degenerate one when he strikes his wife and then later on in the play he rapes his sister in law.
  • Stanley shows no remorse or his actions with the play ending with him being the ideal family man and comforting his wife and baby.
  • "Since when do you give me orders"
  • "Open your eyes to this stuff!"
  • "So you want some rough-house! All right,  lets have some rough- house!"


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