Streetcar Named Desire

W.J Cash
"In the case of Blanche and Stanley, she incited the outrage, he needed the victory. Both have their share of guilt"
1 of 15
Arthur Miller
"Stanley is a sexual terrorist, a tiger on the loose"
2 of 15
"Stanley believes in male superiority"
3 of 15
Nicola Onyett
"Blanche has become a social outcast because she refuses to conform to conventional moral values. In cruelly unveiling the truth about her scandalous past, Stanley strips her of her psychological and cultural identity"
4 of 15
Eliza Kazan
"Blanche is dangerous, she is destructive"
5 of 15
Gilbert & Gubar
"Blanche is the complete opposite of a Kowalski. She is an ageing beauty; cultured, alone, stripped of her money"
6 of 15
Judith Thompson
"Stanley's prosperity for violence throughout the entire play, he has to assert control over others"
7 of 15
Samuel Tapp
"Blanche DuBois is a victim of the mythology of the Southern Belle"
8 of 15
Harold Clurman
"Blanche is a delicate and sensitive woman pushed by insanity by a brutish environment presided over by chief ape-man Stanley Kowalski"
9 of 15
Kathleen Lart
"The play presents Blanche as a tragic figure and Stanley as an agent of her destruction"
10 of 15
Robert Brustein
"The conflict between Blanche and Stanley allegorises the struggle between effeminate culture and masculine libido"
11 of 15
Eliza Kazan
"Stella is a refined girl who has found a kind of salvation or realisation but at a terrific price"
12 of 15
J.M McGlinn
"Stella ignores the needs of others and eventually adopts her own illusion. Life with Stanley is her highest value. Her refusal to accept Blanche's story of the **** is a commitment to self-preservation rather than love"
13 of 15
Alvin B. Kernan
"Stanley is a realist who trusts only his own senses"
14 of 15
Bilijana Oklpocic
"Williams portrays Blanche as the last representative of the Old aristocracy who tries to survive in the modern world by escaping alcohol, madness and promiscuity"
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


"Stanley is a sexual terrorist, a tiger on the loose"


Arthur Miller

Card 3


"Stanley believes in male superiority"


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


"Blanche has become a social outcast because she refuses to conform to conventional moral values. In cruelly unveiling the truth about her scandalous past, Stanley strips her of her psychological and cultural identity"


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


"Blanche is dangerous, she is destructive"


Preview of the back of card 5
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