Stages of Project Management


Stages of Project Management


  • People are able to understand what the project intails.
  • People are able to understand why they need to learn about the project.
  • People are able to five feedback about the project and what they want and do not want to happen in the project.
  • People are able to understand where the project is up tro.


  • It is time consuming bexause there are a lot of steps involved and included in the process.
  • Not everyone will want to be involved with the project planning because they have other committments within the orvanisation, for example, their work on other projects.
  • The project planning may cost a lot of money to make sure i99t has been done properly because of all the steps that need to be done with the project planning.


  • This project mau lead to more funding opportunities for the organisation.
  • The organisation may be able to employ more employees to the organisation because of how well the project is doing.  This means they will be able to run more projects and improve that project in the future.
  • may be able to run more projects in the future.The organisat


  • People may start to find out about the project we are hoping to run in the future.
  • People may start to quit their jobs if they have disagreed with the project that the organisation is planning then move to another organisation to copy the work that the orriginal organisation is doing.


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