Chapter 18 - Other Vehicles

  • Created by: Bar29
  • Created on: 31-03-24 22:04


  • A foundation is an incorporated body with separate. A hybrid between trusts and companies
  • Created by founder but administered by council
  • Council runs foundation in accordance with charters and regulations
  • The charter is a public document that's sets out the name, duration and details of foundation, objects and member of council
  • The regulations are a private document that sets out the internal rule of administration

Similarities and differences between trusts, companies and foundations

Similarities - trusts and foundations

  • the founder of a foundation is similar to the settlor of a trust
  • there can be beneficiaries of both a trust and a foundation
  • Foundations can have guardians, which similar to enforcers of non-charitable purpose trusts

Differences - trusts and foundations

  • Foundations do not have to have beneficiaries whereas a trust would fail for lack of objects
  • There is no fiduciary duty owed by the council to the beneficiaries, there is a fiduciary duty owed by the trustees
  • Foundations have a separate legal personality, whereas trusts do not

Similarities - companies and foundations

  • Both have separate legal personalities
  • The charter is similar to the memorandum of association 
  • The regulations are similar to the articles of association
  • The council is similar to the board of directors

Differences - companies and foundations

  • There is no fiduciary duty owed by the council to the beneficiaries; there is a fiduciary duty owed by the company directors
  • Foundations do not have shareholders, whereas companies do
  • Foundations can have a guardian, whereas companies do not have a role similar to this
  • A foundation has set objects, whereas most companies have unlimited objects


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