Soft Engineering

Advantages and disadvantages of Soft Engineering methods as a way to control flooding. 


Soft Engineering


  • Sustianable
  • Relatively cheap (in comparison with hard engineering options)
  • Afforestation is environmentally friendly
  • Flood plain zoning uses the land effectively
  • Requires less maintenance (than hard engineering)
  • Athetically pleasing
  • Doesn't harm wildlife habitats
  • 'Do nothing' option is cheap, allows natural floods creating fertile soils


  • Can be less effective than hard engineering
  • Takes time (e.g to allow trees to grow)
  • Comminities may already have build houses so flood plain zoning can't be done.
  • Land may be valuable for building on rather than leaving for agriculture  (Flood plain zoning)
  • 'Do nothing' option can put lives at risk and doesn't actually reduce the risk of flooding.


There are many types of soft engineering methods, for instance: Flood plain zoning, Afforestation, Do nothing, Flood prediction/warning.
Overall I think the advantages outweigh the disadnatages as soft engineering is an effective in preventing floods. Sustainable options, such as Afforestation, as a method to prevent floods far outweights the cost needed to plant the trees. Although some methods may not be suitable and are time consuming, soft engineering methods are visually pleasing and environmentally friendly. 


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