Soft engineering



  • It attracts wildlife.
  • It's cheaper.
  • More sustainable.
  • Works with nature


  • Offshore dredging alters direction of the waves
  • More erosion


However, on one had one disadvantage of soft engineering is that offshore dredging alters direction of the waves which could lead to more erosion down the cost. In addition to this on the other hand soft engineering is more sustainable, and it has less impact on the environment, as it works with nature and doesn't destroy it like hard engineering would. Overall I think that using soft engineering is good, because it attracts wildlife and it's cheaper than hard engineering. As it attracts more wildlife this could mean that a number of different species may be attracted to that environment, I think this because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Examples of soft engineering are beach nourishment: beach material is replaced by sand from further along the coast or dredged from the sea bed. Managed retreat: areas of the coasts are allowed to erode and flood naturally this will usually be areas considered to be of low value. 


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