Soft Engineering

  • Created by: cactiella
  • Created on: 26-02-17 14:06

Soft Engineering


  • Beach Nourishment creates wider beaches that slow the waves. Gives greater protection from flooding and erosion
  • Dune Regeneration provide a barrier between the land and the sea. Wave energy is absorbed which prevents flooding and erosion
  • Marsh Creation is good because the vegetation stabilises the mudflats and reduces the speed of the waves. Creates new habitats.
  • Managed retreat- Over time the land will become marshland. creates new habitats and reduces erosion and flooding. Cheap.


  • Beach Nourishment takes material from the seabed which can kill organisms and is very expensive as it has to be repeated
  • Dune Regeneration means that only a small area is protected. Nourishment is very expensive.
  • Marsh Creation isn't useful where erosion rates are high because it can't establish itself. Fairly expensive defence.
  • Managed Retreat causes disagreement over what land is allowed to flood, e.g. flooding farmland would affect the livelihood of farmers.


Soft Engineering is good because it's more natural however it has to be maintained and can be extremely expensive to maintain. It may not always work either.


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