Soft & Hard Engineering


Advantages of Soft Engineering

1. Work along natural processes: doesn't harm the environment

2. Nicer to look at, attracts tourists

3. Less expensive 

4. Creates habitats 

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Disadvantages of Soft Engineering

1. Doesn't last as long 

2. May protect the coast less

3. Requires consistant maintainence 

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Soft Engineering Options

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Soft Engineering Options

1. Marsh Creation

2. Beach Nourishment 

3. Dune Regeneration 

4. Managed Retreat

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Hard Engineering Options

1. Groynes

2. Rock Armour 

3. Sea Walls 

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Advantages of Hard Engineering

1. Creates a stronger protection against erosion

2. It lasts a lot longer 

3. Can absorb wave energy 

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Disadvantages of Hard Engineering

1. Involves major contruction

2. Costs a lot of money 

3. High impact of the landscape and environment 

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