Should you set up as a private limited company?

  • Created by: SBDL
  • Created on: 05-01-13 15:02

Should you set up as a private limited company?


  • Assets are still protected; deal with the risk of unlimited liability in being a sole trader however as an LTD, personal assets are protected.
  • Potentially more capital raised; Shares can be sold meaning more money can be raised and invested to cover any shortfalls.


  • Publish details to Company House; This is a public service meaning that competitors can access details. This means anyone can find out whether you are in debt or profitable and act upon this, encouraging externalities to occur.
  • Report financial data; If you have no experience in reporting financial data to Company House, you may need to hire an accountant however this would be at an expense.
  • Legal Formalities; You would need to fill out the memorandum and articles of association


If you have already seeked a source of advice such as Chambers of Commerce and GOV UK, they would have hopefully provided you with the help in organizing costs and legislation regarding Company House.


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