Saviour siblings

  • Created by: GraceLong
  • Created on: 24-04-16 15:40

Saviour siblings


  • A saviour sibling will keep a dying person alive for longer, prolonging their God given and unique life - 'The Sanctity of Life'
  • It is loving to give organs to keep a person alive - 'Agape' and 'Metta'
  • Even if the sibling giving the organ suffers, suffering is a fact of life so it shouldn't matter - 'Dukkha'
  • It could be seen as compassionate to give organs for someone who needs them to survive - 'Karuna'


  • Saviour siblings involves cloning which goes against 'The Sanctity of Life'
  • It may cause harm to the sibling giving the organs and they might not be able to have an ordinary lifestyle - 'Ahimsa'
  • God decides when we die, so we shouldn't interfere and try to prolong that life - 'A time to be born and a time to die'
  • The person having the organs might get better by themselves and they won't actually need the organs from the saviour sibling - 'Anicca'
  • They person taking the organs might be causing the saviour sibling to suffer - 'An honest livelihood is one which does not cause other to suffer'


Overall, I think saviour siblings are wrong because they cause someone to suffer and it goes against the Sanctity of Life . Also it involves cloning which may also harm the saviour sibling is it is not done correctly.


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