
  • Created by: L157
  • Created on: 29-10-23 22:36



  • As there is no employee involvement in decision making, decisions can be made more quickly.
  • Because the business considers the welfare of the employees, they are more likely to be loyal to the business unlike with an autocratic leadership.
  • The business also takes into account the employees best interests which can make the employees feel more recognised by the business, further incresing their loyalty to the business.


  • There is no employee involvement in decision making which can lead to dissatisfaction in employees if bad decisions are made.
  • There is low motivation amongst staff as they are still being ordered around strictly and don't have much creativity.
  • Employees are too dependant on supervisors which can cause the business to be slower as they cannot be independant and must report to others.


While a paternalistic leadership style can create more loyalty to the business than an autocratic leadership style, there is still a lot of demotivation amongst employees as they have no creativity and are being micromanaged.




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