Prosocial:Parental mediation


Parental mediation


  • It seems to enhance the learning effect of programmes such as sesame street as suggested by Rice et al (1969). Sesame street was created in 1969, with deliberately prosocial aims in mind(e.g increasing interracial harmony). It was also aimed at inner city children. However research suggests that it was children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds who benefited most. This was seen as a result of the parental mediation because children with higher socioeconomic backgrounds are most likely to watch and discuss TV with their parents.
  • A strength of parental mediation is that parents who help children to maximise prosocial effects. McKenna and Ossof (1998) investigated children aged 4-10 and asked them about moral messages of an episode of 'power rangers'. They found that most knew that their was a message but only those 8+ could identify it. Those under 8 focused on fighting rather than the message. Their most important finding was that if parents help their child 'unpack' what they have seen then the prosocial effects are maximised and antisocial reduced.


  • Valkenberg et al (1999) suggest that only some forms of parental mediation would be effective in enhancing prosocial messages in television programmes. They found that in 'social co-viewing' parents and children might watch together but do not discuss the content. This type of meditation is largely ineffective as a means of modifying childrens interpretations of television. Only in conditions of 'instructive mediation' which involves discussion and explanation, can the parent be described as an effective mediator between TV and the child.



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