OMAM Curley



Importance and relation to other characters

  • hostile
  • Napolean Complex
  • objectifying
  • possessive
  • short temper
  • CW - he never sees her before she dies - their relationship is dead
  • Slim - believes he is more respected and important than Slim, however after his hand is mangled he obeys Slim
  • G + L - disrespects them, underestimates L's strength - believes he is bigger and stronger than everyone else


significance of surroundings

  • Power
  • Masculinity
  • Responsibility - he is responsible for CW but she dies - shows his lack of concern for her and lack of responsibility
  • Respect
  • lives on the ranch
  • looks at the ranch like it is his kingdom, however it is really Slim's as he is described as royalty


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