Minority Influence - AQA PSychology A/AS level


Minority Influence - AQA PSychology A/AS level


  • jury situation - participants had to judge how much compensation someone should get - a confederate who put forward a view and did not change it was ignored while a confederate who made the same point but then compromised exerted and effect on the majority, however this was only evident when they changed near the end of the argument showing flexibility rather than just caving into the majority
  • minority views open the mind and makes people question and challenge things - search for more information and consider more options - found that work groups with a dissenter improved their decision quality
  • study for evidence: set up computer models of a social network, each individual held a certain view - when a listener half the same view as the speaker their opinion was reinforced but when it was different the listener moved on to someone else - if that person had the same view the listener adopted it


  • moscovici only used females to test effects of consistency - could be due to a higher rate of men being colour blind



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