MSM Murdock

  • Created by: ellie2809
  • Created on: 01-06-16 21:48

Memory Case Studies


  • Murdock
  • Aim-To test the Multi-Store Model of Memory(MSM)
  • Method-Murdock gave participants a list of words to remember one at a time for 2 seconds per word.He then asked for the words to be recalled in any order.
  • Results-He found that the words at the end were recalled first (recency effect)and the words at the  start were recalled quite well (primary effect). The words in the middle were not recalled very well.
  • Conclusion-This study supported this theory because the first words were remembered as they had been passed into the LTM and the last words were in the STM.


  • Evaluation
  • We dont often learn lists of words in life.Due to this the study is not relevant to real life and so LACKS ECOLOGICAL VALIDITY.
  • You can argue that we need to understand information to be able to say it in real life.
  • Memory loss victims that have lost their STM but have kept their LTM support this theory of separate memory stores.

Overall summary

Practical Applications Postcodes and car registrations never contain more than 7 numbers because it it the capacity of the STM to the hold chunks of information.


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