
  • Created by: livvysm
  • Created on: 17-04-19 11:18
AMRC of Murdock's serial position study
A: If memory of words affected by number of words,M:participants were read 20 lists between 10and 40 words.immediate recall, R:Recall affected by position of words(first and last high) C: support MSM as first=LTM (REHEARSAL)and last=STM
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Sensory memory MSM
Coding: form appropriate to sense, Capacity: very high, Duration: less than half a second
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coding: acoustic(according to Badley), capacity: 7+-2 words, duration: 30seconds
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coding: semantic, capacity: potentially unlimited, duration: up to lifetime
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Evaluation of the MSM
FOR: 1) Supporting research as Badley's study supports the idea that LTM and STM are encoded diff. AGAINST:1) Model is too simple as research suggests both S and LTM have diff parts 2) Artificial studies don't reflect real life
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Types of LTM
1) Semantic: store for our knowledge of the world 2)Episodic:memory of events 3) Procedural:knowledge of how to do things
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Evaluation of LTM stores
FOR 1) Brain scans show that different locations of brain are associated to each type 2) Amnesic patients w damage of brain only lose certain types of memory AGAINST) not that simple-oversimplification
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A: is there a difference between the encoding of STM AND LTM? M: 4 groups. GA heard acoustically similar words and GB disimilar w immediate recall. GC semantically similar GD dissimilar w recall after 20m. R: A<B C<D. C: STM acoustically LTM semantic
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FOR: controlled experiment as it was a lab study and extraneous variables were controlled e.g. poor hearing AGAINST:1) STM visual? Bradley only used one stimuli(lists) 2) 20m may not be LTM therefore Badleymight not have been testing what he claimed
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FOR: 1) Controlled lab study ensured any extraneous variables were controlled increasing validity 2)Supporting amnesia research shows patients w damage to LTM don't show primacy effect AGAINST: Artificial tasks don't reflect how we use memory daily
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A: Too see whether cultural expectations affect recall of a story of another culture M: shown story then recall after mins, weeks,months R: less familiar info and phrases were changed C: our knowledge of society reconstructs memory
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AGAINST 1) Lacks control as no standardised instructions were given to participants 2) Biased results as Bartlets beliefs may have influenced his interpretation of results 3) Unusual story does not reflect daily life
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1) We store fragments of information for later recall-its an active process as we reassemble them 2)effort after meaning-we focus on the meaning of the fragments then interpret them 3)cultural expectations affect recon 4)frag. combined diffrently
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reconstructive memory EVALUATION
1)real world application as it explains problems with eye witnesses 2)realistic research-focused on memory in everyday life 3)some memories accurate
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What is Interference?
when two memories compete with each other, leading to one preventing the other from being accessed -reduced accuracy of what we remember
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Interference AMRC (dif.lists)
A: the effects of a second activity on the accuracy of memory M: had to learn list of words then either learn synonyms,antonyms, unrelated words,nonsense syllables,3digitnumbers R:least recall of list1 with synonyms C: Inter.strongest with similarity
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Interferance evaluation:
1) Artificial task 2) Controlled lab study 3)Interference isn't really forgetting- effects overcome with fed recall test
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study of the effects on Context on Memory AMRC (scuba)
A:does context improve recall? M: 4 groups of participants learned and tested on lists of words DD, DW, WD,WW-the context being the environment of learning the words R: WW and DD higher recall C: Context can act as a trigger
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Scuba Context evaluation
1) Artificial task doesn't reflect real life 2) controlled lab study 3)only tests STM- no useful application
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False memories Study (lying to people study) AMRC
A: Can false memories be implanted through suggestion M: participants were told 4 short childhood stories obtained from relatives, 3 true 1 false,had write down what they remember,then interview R:25% said falsewastrue C: Imagining an event=false mem
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Evaluation of false memory study
1)Ethical issues as participants could have been left with false memories-deceived 2)artificial task doesn't reflect memory everyday 3) Real world application in eye witness testimony
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Card 2


Coding: form appropriate to sense, Capacity: very high, Duration: less than half a second


Sensory memory MSM

Card 3


coding: acoustic(according to Badley), capacity: 7+-2 words, duration: 30seconds


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Card 4


coding: semantic, capacity: potentially unlimited, duration: up to lifetime


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Card 5


FOR: 1) Supporting research as Badley's study supports the idea that LTM and STM are encoded diff. AGAINST:1) Model is too simple as research suggests both S and LTM have diff parts 2) Artificial studies don't reflect real life


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