Liberal support of equality

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 08-05-17 20:16

Liberal support of equality


  • P: foundational equality; E: all are born equal (equal moral worth) leading to formal equality (same formal status in society with distribution of rights + entitlements; E: legal (equality before the law) + political equality (one person one vote)
  • P: equality of opportunity; E: each should have same chance to rise/fall in society; E: benefits i.e additional support for those from care to make up for disadvantages


  • P: modern vs. classical equality of opportunity; E: classical want free market economy bc material incentives incentivise working hard and achieving greater position in society but modern want intervention to decrease social inequality and link opportunity to outcome; E: Rawls - social inequality only justified if benefitting least well-off


Some tension between strands but mostly little tension


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