King John overview


Loss of Normandy

Government of England

  • Lost Normandy, most of Anjou and parts of Aquitaine through errors of judgement:
  • 1200 marriage to Isabelle of Angouleme controversial - engaged to Hugh Lusifnam who complained to Philip (started war?)
  • Loss of angevin, poitevin and Norman barons' support (William de Roches example) through:
  • involvement in killing of Arthur & letting French nobles die after success at the Battle of Mirebeau
  • Mistrusted due to giving Philip important territory in France during Richard's absence
  • Had a mistrustful, suspicious personality, unpredictable changes in mood (accused of bipolar) such as his abandonment of forces in France from 1203 - early 1204, returning to England and acting unproductively
  • Hired mercenaries to rule over French lands
  • Lacked commander skills of Richard I
  • Philip:
  • Broke treaty with John after marriage to Isabelle of Angloueme (Hugh of Lusifnam complained)
  • Broke John's treaty with Holy Roman Emporer, Count of Boulogne & Flanders in Treaty of Goulet 1200
  • Propaganda to win support of French barons
  • Weakend John's inheritance through previous war with Henry II, Richard
  • England's revenues exhausted by war - Richard's reduction of revenues (2/3) and drainage of coffers is a reason
  • Heavily taxed the country in attempt to regain Normandy (widows' tax, 1207 Great tax levy, forest fines, Jews £44,000 tallage) which failed in 1214 at the Battle of Bouvines
  • Lacked diplomacy skills of Henry II - gave a small amount of men large amounts of power
  • Cruel financial demands (380% increase in magnate debt) led to the barons rebellion in 1215 and 'The article of the barons' - 'Magna Carta'
  • Decision to renounce Magna Carta & make Innocence III declare it illegal led to Prince Louis' capture of half the kingdom and John's death

Handling of the Church

Other information              

  • Initial harmony
  • Conflict over the appointment of Archbishop led to the 1208-13 interdict (reduced revenue)
  • Offering as a papal vassal & appointment of William Langton results in papal support (e.g. Innocence III declares Magna Carta illegal)
  • Angevin empire was fragile from the start - held together by two outstanding monarchs with large amount of conflict
  • 'Bad King John', 'Lackland', 'Softsword'
  • 'maltreated and pillaged his subjects as though in an enemy country' (Louvrecaire)
  • 'Indisputably the architect of his own misfortume' (Barratt)


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