Intervalometer Advantages and Disadvantages

PLEASE NOTE: Just so people are aware, this is for my EPQ relating to Astrophotography. It is therefore likely that it won't be relevant to others. However, if this helps you I'm glad of it. Just, if it doesn't, remember this note and please no haters in the comments.


Intervalometer Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Affordable (bear in mind that my working title involves amateur photographers, therefore something expensive is out of the question)
  • Simple to use - the learning curve is nowhere near as steep as it would be if I invested in a star tracker
  • Is not only suitable for astrophotography - therefore can be used more often than a star tracker could


  • Lack many features that star trackers have
  • Even if I purchased one of these, my shutter speeds would still have to be rapid - even more so if I am shooting DSOs, so potentially the sensor would not pick up sufficient light
  • If I wanted an intervalometer of outstanding quality, I would have to invest significantly more money.


The price point is probably the only really significant advantage of an intervalometer over the alternative - a star tracker. Therefore, if the budget is available, I recommend definitely getting the tracker, or even both.


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