History ww11

  • Created by: Lotty.P
  • Created on: 30-05-18 12:43

Causes of WW11


  • The treaty of Versailles was unfair
  • Hitler wanted war
  • The Nazi soviet pact encouraged Hitler
  • League of nations never good enough
  • Appeasement encouraged Hitler


  • Treaty of Versailles- Germany sought revenge ( Could have tried to negotiate changes peacefully)
  • Germany not the only ones who thought the treaty unfair, Germany wanted revenge for being treated unfairly, only way to do this was to break the terms of the treaty
  • Hitler wanted war- true to a certain extent however not fully. He didn't want war he wanted land and power
  • Hitler promoted war and in some cases chose it over a more peaceful solution
  • Power was of greater value to him than peace
  • Nazi-soviet pact-Avoided potential war with USSR, gave Hitler confidence that he could invade Poland, Britain declared war as a result of the invasion of Poland
  • League of nations- Italy invaded Abyssinia in 1935 against rules of the league of nations
  • Imposed sanctions, invasion carried on, didn't react in a way which stopped war, therefore must have been a failure
  • Appeasement- allowed Hitler to take more land making him stronger and harder to defeat, gained peace in the short term but making war more inevitable in the long term
  • Nazi soviet pact signed as a result of appeasement

Overall summary

Hitler played a huge role in the beginning of the war in Europe, the way the league of nations and other big powers around the world reacted to his invasions and threats to peace only encouraged him to act. Attempts made to stop the war helped in the short term however only made war more inevitable in the long term. War broke out in 1939 because of a variety of different people, countries, organisations and decisions. Hitler however was the most influential figure and was the main cause of the war. 


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