Hard and soft water


Hard and soft water


  • The microorganisms in hard water like calcium are good for your bodies more specifically your teeth and bones.


  • Some people do not like the taste of hard water
  • Hard water means less lather is produced when using soap this is because it produces soap scum instead of lather.
  • Also limescale builds up and this can effect the efficientcy of equipment resulting in higher energy costs.


I think that soft water is better because although it costs a lot initially to turn hard water into soft water via an ion exchange column which exchanges the calcium and magnesium in the water with sodium, I think that in the long run it can save you more money on your energy bills and soap bills. As well as that many people think that soft water tastes much better as well. Finally the calcium in hard water which is good for you is not vital as you can get calcium in other foods/drinks.




Calcium isn't a microorganism...