Hard water

  • Created by: siobhan
  • Created on: 18-05-13 13:15
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  • Hard water
    • Water that lathers easily with soap is said to be soft water. Hard water uses more soap to lather and was effectively. This is because hard water contains dissolved compounds that react with soap to form an insoluble solid called SCUM.
      • Other detergents, called soapless deteregnts, do not react with hard water to form scum.
    • When water is in contact with rocks some compounds dissolve. If the water contains dissolved calcium or magnesium ions, these will react with soap to form scum so the water is hard
    • When it is heated, one type of hard water called temporary hard water produces an insoluble solid called scale. Scale can be deposited in kettles, boilers and pipes. This reduces the efficiency of heating systems and causes blockages.
    • Calcium compounds are good for our health, helping to develop strong bones and teeth. Calcium may also reduce the risk of heart disease.
      • This makes hard water better to drink than soft water


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