F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby: Nick Carraway




  • Man of Morals
  • Lonely
  • Imperior
  • Superior
  • Nick plays the role of the first person narrator whose job is to recount and describe the story and guide the audience
  • He is the observer & assistant to the resurgent love affair between his cousin Daisy and Gatsby
  • He is the main protagonist
  • To alter the current mood and theme of the novel as it shifts according to his defined characteristics

Development (Growth & change)

Quotes & Terminology

  • Nick starts as a 'man of morals' but his ever changing shift in characterization shifts according to the current theme of the novel
  • He falls into the illusion of New York and the people he meets and his personality changed to accord to those in West & East egg
  • After Gatsby's death Nick 'see the 'error' of his ways' and his characterisation shifts back to the original - 'Daisy and Tom are careless people - Leaving others to clean up their mess'
  • "—Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn" (Parenthesis, subordinate clause structure, noun phrase) -Gatsby may be low-class, but Nick still manages to see something good in him, anyway. Maybe he has the "natural decencies" that other members of high society don't.
  • " and casual innuendo and introductions forgotten on the spot" (Noun subordinate clause, noun phrase) -The parties are full of people who instantly forget each other, or never even knew each other to begin with.


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