Extraction of Metal Ores

  • Created by: JustTara
  • Created on: 22-02-14 14:16

Advantage and Disadvantages of extracting metal ores


  • Useful products can be made from metal to enhance our lives
  • Jobs for people, especially new sources of employment in poor countries or areas of high unemployment in developed countries.


  • Dust from mining can effect Asthma sufferers.
  • Scarring of the landscape from mining, quarrying, waste tips etc. as well as loss of wildlife habitat.
  • Noise from process operation or transport of raw materials and products
  • Sulphur dioxide gas from copper extraction of its sulphide ore is an irritating poisonous gas which can also cause acid rain.


Extracting metal ores can be an expensive process, in terms of money and effects on the environment. The landscape can be ruined causing an eyesore for locals, and the noise from the site of extraction can also negatively affect the locals too. Gases that contribute to acid rain can be produced.However, metals are essential to continue the current way of life, and job opportunities can be produced this can be particularly useful in areas of high unemployment, or poor countries.


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