Evaluation of the Positive Approach


Evaluation of the Positive Approach


  • Scientific- uses scientific methods e.g. questionnaires to study behaviour such as happiness.
  • Applications- the approach can be used to improve lives through encouraging positive thinking and mindfulness. This has many everyday applications including parenting, teaching and use in the workplace.
  • Individual Differences- acknowledges individual differences and accepts that everyone has free will to make their own choices and focus on their own strengths.


  • Not yet established- as a relatively young approach, it doesn't have the vast amount of research and credibility that other approaches have such as behaviourist/biological.
  • Generalisability-the approach focuses on the ideals of western society to achieve 'the good life' and therefore shows cultural bias.


A strength of the positive approach is that it can be easily applied. This approach can be used to improve society's lives through encouraging positive thinking and mindfulness. This can be used in everyday applications such as parenting, teaching and use in the workplace. On the other hand, a weakness of the positive approach is that it has a high generalisabilty. The positive approach focuses on the ideals of Western society to achieve 'the good life', showing cultural bias.


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