EK work

  • Created by: ekelley
  • Created on: 09-04-16 19:35


  • Allies had to compromise on the TOV - could've been worse due to George and Wilson limited Clemenceau
  • Subsequent foreign investment from the USA and other European States - improve Germany's reputation and main reason for reducing pressure on Germany's economy in order for them to survive in 1920s despite prominent flaws to the democratic regime
  • Dawes Plan (April 1924) organised by Stresemann w/ support from US - French promise to evacuate from the Ruhr 1925 - International loan of 800m gold marks to aid German economy financed by USA w/ arrangements for reparations payment annually fixed scale over longer period = showed German economy wasn't weakened as they received 2 times the amount as they were paying out + improved relations w/ France - SHORT TERM survival through 1920s as Germany was dependent of US loans + investments - again linked to external forces showing fate of Weimar's survival was mainly in hands of foreign powers
  • Locarno Treaties Oct 1925 - international security pact for German Western Frontier where agreements paved way for Germany's acceptance into the LON 1926 - Stresemann limited France's freedom w/ first evacuation of the Rhineland
  • Acceptance of Germany into the LON 1926 by Allies - inflenced again by Stresemann's diplomatic approach w/ his policies
  • Germany worked towards agreement w/ USSR (Treaty of Berlin April 1926) which promted the Western powers into more systematic approach w/ Germany
  • Young Plan 1929 - new scheme of payments of reparations: final sum reduced to £1850m (1/4) w/ more time to pay = reduced pressure of Germany's economy, contributing to survival through 1920s.
  • Weak constitution from PR + Article 48 contradictory to democracy = hard to get overall majority (eg. SPD votes decreased ...) = shows they needed help from external powers in order to survive due to internal political and economic instability.


  • Disastrous impact of TOV including reparations and invasion of the Ruhr that continuously threatened the Republic
  • Significance of Ebert - Groener and Ebert agreement (Ebert protect status of the army against idea of a workers militia in return army would put down rev. activity
  • Significance of Stresemann ('Golden Years' 1924-29 influenced by 100 days chancellor along w/ being foreign minister to negotiate w/ Allies) - put in place plans in order to stabilise Germany's economy therefore contributing to political security to ensure Weimar survived
  • Reasons for survival from hyperinflation (mainly due to reparation costs from TOV - imposed by Foreign powers) and invasion of Ruhr (short term due to French - sig. foreign power) although survived through 1920s - still posed major threat that led to the investment from USA in particular - solved quickly by Stresemann: old currency replaced by Reichsmark Aug 1924 + called off 'passive resistance which provoked sympathy for Germany's economic position to get international recognition
  • Existing support for democracy due to the support fro the democratic constitution (right-wing propaganda against the KPD and other extreme left parties to exagg. fears of revolution) w/ lack of opposition/ absence of extra parliamentary action - May 1924 52% - late 1920s more stable w/ Muller's Grand Coalition 1928 w/ 60% support of Reichstag + 72.8% of voted towards pro-Weimar parties
  • Dealings with threats from right repressed by authorities (eg. Kapp putsch 13 March 1920 + Munich Putsch Nov 1923) and left (crushed by Freikorps and army - eg. March 1920 formation of Ruhr Red army by 50,000 workers) = both show no sig. support (mainly bad coordinated, poor leadership) w/ effective ways of dealing in the short term.


Support and investment from foreign powers were the main reason, however they were both initiated from Stresemann's policies after hyperinflation and invasion of the Ruhr 1923. Furthermore, the fall of Weimar during the Great Depression 1930, following the WSC Oct 1929, highlights the withdrawal of  investments and loans from the US was the major downfall for the Republic - clearly showing their significant reliance on foreign powers to maintain a stable economy to induce political stability during the 1920s, therefore ensuring the survival of the democracy.


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